It’s an interesting question: What has Rick Baberowski done for the region in the past 4 years? I would love you to share your thoughts and ideas about what Rick has done for our Community? What improvements have been made and what future improvements he should make?
Rick and the other councillors operate at a local government level also known as the Sunshine Coast Council and they are responsible for many of the local issues which confront us around our homes or as we travel through our community. This includes the removal and recycling of rubbish, town planning, cleaning and general pollution control, as well the creation and quality of roads, footpaths and other public buildings and infrastructures which also include the development and preservation of the built up areas including wildlife and the natural environments.
Re-Elect Rick Baberowski
I have often seen Rick out and about looking carefully at the town and I know he pays attention to detail, ascetics and spacial concepts, after all he has an ‘Arts’ background which also explains why he is sympathetic and has an appreciation of Music Art and Culture in our Community, without which any community is as good as dead! I know Rick made significant improvements to the Woolworths carpark and the Beerwah Streetscape before they were constructed.
I would like to make it very clear that I like Rick Baberowski very much and I believe he has done a lot of good for our town.
We know Rick cares about the community, but for all the care and consideration I’m not seeing much real action. (I will be a little more specific further in the article).
I am concerned that the town of Beerwah which was earmarked for growth by the federal government has not seen much improvement in public or pedestrian services like footpaths and cycle paths.
Increasingly the surrounding area around Beerwah is being carved into smaller and smaller block sizes. I think Caboolture may now have more large acreage blocks than Beerwah, Glasshouse and Landsborough combined, and on top of this we are not seeing the cycling and walking routes linking in the new housing estates with the town and community.
Politicians Promise and Things Get Worse! …Why?
Who will you vote for?
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Ricks Achievements
I know Rick was instrumental in the Beerwah Streetscape and upgrade, and let’s be honest he did a great job, it looks and feels a lot better than it did before, although there are less car parks than there once were. My view of the street upgrade is that it’s a glorified food court for the large shops which don’t yet exist. (and possibly never will).
The artwork in the street is worthy of comment and discussion and makes Beerwah more interesting.
I know Rick works closely with the Zoo and has a strong relationship with the Zoo although I have no idea why because I’ve always maintained that the Zoo does very little for the town of Beerwah and the local community. Don’t get me wrong the Zoo is both a wonderful and amazing ambassador for Australia and they make a very significant difference to the environmental wealth of Australia. I don’t think they make much difference to the town of Beerwah and the local community and neither do I think that they should.
I can’t say that I blame the Zoo for withdrawing from the community, they only ever get hit up by the community by fund raisers looking for donations and handouts, but why is Rick spending so much time with the Zoo? If you know please share with us.
What do we want from our Councillor?
I have a few suggestions, please feel free to add your own suggestions, remember we have a Community Forums where you can discuss things with a little more anonymity that you can on Facebook/Beerwah, so feel free to present your thoughts and ideas on Facebook, on the Forum or directly on this page (scroll down) and you will see a comment box.
Rick is promising to look at upgrading Landsborough and Glasshouse, but what exactly does this mean? A few street lights and paint job? If you know please share with us.
- Lets make Beerwah and the four towns closest to us safe for walking and cycling.
- Lets make land sizes bigger, or at the very least lets provide a few blocks of land that are larger than 4000m so that people have a choice, currently you can only purchase smaller blocks of land.
- Lets begin planning for Aura, we could begin by building a cycle path to Aura from Beerwah, before Aura gets built, why should we have to drive everywhere.
- We need better sports facilities (we really do need better sports facilities).
- The Beerwah Swimming Pool needs to be made a lot larger if it’s going to keep up with community growth.
- We need a Caravan Park for tourists and visitors.
- We need more Bed and Breakfasts, or we can use Air BnB – I’m a big fan of Uber – (tap the app, get a ride) as well as airbnb – (rent unique accommodation from local hosts ).
- We make it easier for local people to become involved in local decision-making.
I liked Ricks previous election slogan ‘Pick Rick’, and I like his current slogan ‘Re-Elect Rick’, of course both of these slogans are invitations for modification by a playful community 🙂
There are a few questions which are hard to answer so for example: Who owns domestic abuse in our township? If we continually get relegated to smaller and smaller blocks of land, we will end up with changes in the Beerwah culture which leads to an array of other unwanted issues.
If we are not careful the Sunshine Coast Council will use Beerwah and the other railway towns (as far up as Nambour), as something of ‘socio economic dumping ground’, because without choices in land size we can only ever attract a certain type of culture, and if we continue to build duplex dwellings on blocks of land less than 700 sq/m we are going to run into certain problems in the future.
Who owns the Traffic Problem in Beerwah and Caloundra? (and believe me traffic issues are coming), just like traffic issues arrived in Buderim and Noosa. Noosa at least did something sensible about their traffic issues, their road system and walkways are a lot more advanced than Beerwah’s.
Please leave your thoughts and comments.
Have your say below or in the Community Forums or on Facebook/Beerwah,
I think Rick has done an excellent job in the short time he has been in his job. Nobody can do everything in 1 term. I believe that the current group of councillors need to be re-elected as they have been working so hard on a vision for the Sunshine Coast in general. If in the next term not much improves, I think we flick them and try another group. It is a hard job to try and please everyone and it can not happen. There will always be someone who has a beef with our councillors but that is just the way it will always be.
Rick has done an excellent job for us and he surely needs another term to continue the good work. He is very approachable and as the owner of a small business continues to work with us and improve our area
I saw him before the election…everywhere… I approached him about a safe pathway for people living on the southern side of Beerwah (Tobacco Rd etc) and he agreed with us and told us he would get on to it… After the election there was a great scree in the paper about how he would be looking into this pathway because HE AND HIS WIFE had been looking at the need for a safe track. Still no pathway to get safely to town, and I haven’t seen Rick since… Except now …with an election in the wind. I probably won’t be voting for him.
Who’s Peter Robinson? Have heard nothing of him and his Candidate page is empty,42598,2909
Having had a chat with him a few times now, I can perhaps help.
Peter is a retiree in Glasshouse. Nice genuine bloke that simply has a beef with Rick.
He nominated because he didn’t want Rick going unopposed. Although he didn’t realise there were two other candidates also challenging. Had he known that he probably wouldn’t have nominated.
Now obviously publicity is not a strong point (not mine either!), but he is very well meaning.
Quite frankly, he may struggle to get enough votes to get his deposit back from ECQ (needs about 700), so I encourage you to give him a vote so he gets that back at least.
Meanwhile, look out for a flyer and/or a how-to-vote card from him in the mail this week.
Peter Robinson is not a genuine bloke at all. He is a swindler and a bully who thinks he can disrespect laws and bribe council to achieve his personal agenda.
Rick has been a wonderful ambassador for our area – he engages people really well. He was largely the main instigator of the Beerwah+ Place community-council engagement, the multi-million dollar new commercial/retail development and Beerwah streetscape redesign + the inaugural Beerwah night Street Party PLUS is a big push for more cycle lanes and dedicated pathways to complete gaps.
I did try, through the local Rotary Club, to see if we could get another BBQ at the Rotary Park in Glasshouse Township, I met Rick down there, and we offered to actually do the work at no cost,, providing the Council provided the BBQ. We would use tradesmen to do the work to the Council Specifications,. But, nothing happened, as Rick did nothing about it, and we still do not have a second BBQ there. maybe we will soon???
Definitely gonna vote for him
He is a person, goes out, talks to people, asks people, not just a pencil pusher.He done so much for the community and got Beerwah on the maps again
I guess my problem is that he has done great things for Beerwah. That’s only 1 town of the ‘Zoo Club’ that needs things done! Landsborough is in a bad state, it’s being left behind with roads and looks. The residents that use the town every day, are being neglected. I actually said ‘Rick who?’ when the signs started popping up.
Marlo Geerse Rick has actually pushed alot of funding through to thr resurrection of thr Landsborough Hall… So I’d imagine that there wasn’t much leftover for anything else as that took alot of $$$$
I’d like to have seen a little less spent on Simpson St. When the route for kids to Beerwah state school is so unsafe.
Not me I won’t be voting for him. He approved a facility that we are totally against.
Rick Who, where was he when save Exit 190 were having discussions, did nothing for PalmView/Glenview
I’ll vote for whoever puts traffic lights at Beerwah school intersection….
And fixes the lights on Simpson street…have never seen such badly timed lights anywhere causes so much congestion….
u have to suck up to the right person Patrick
rick is a legend he attends all sorts of events he even donated towards ROSES 4X4 TOY RUN at xmas time..Bloody legend
Well I had a meeting with this bloke asked to fix a few minor details in Reed Street concerning parking around the Tavern so the traffic could flow especially the schoolbus and translink bus he said BEERWAH FIRST LANDSBOUROUGH 2ND THAN GLASSHOUSE didnt even mention poor old BEERBURRUM give him the FLICK
I think a lot of funds were wasted on the streetscaping in Simpson St than were needed. For example the supposed art pieces that are not only a trip hazard to the unwary, but now they are leaving rust marks. I’m sure a nice tree would have been cheaper, better for the environment and provide shade in summer on those hot days. Were they added? Maybe the odd few. I want someone who is thinking about the future of this town and the type of town we want. I know I love to breathe clean air, but with all the development going on around here there are a lot less trees, so why don’t the council make sure that there are trees. It adds character to a town and can sometimes be a major drawcard if you plant the right thing. So whoever is running give this some thought. Oh by the way, the Landsborough hall money was for the underneath. The hall committee work all year round to raise funds to repair the hall and maintain it. They apply for grants but often get denied. Its a great hall and it gets used a lot. If it was charged out at what other halls charge we could probably start to get somewhere, but its all about community spirit. So people if ever you feel like helping the Landsborough hall we have a wishing well for donations every Saturday at our market (which is the biggest fund raising for the hall ) . Let me know what you think. Cheers.
Right Rick Who, Still waiting for foot path to the Zoo ?
I read this on the Bellvista Community Website: “The Caloundra South Development will have an impact on hinterland towns. Beerwah businesses may be in for a difficult time as Beerwah residents travel to the major shopping centre envisaged for Caloundra South. This has a detrimental impact on Beerwah light industry and businesses. In some ways hinterland towns may have to re-invent themselves to a certain degree. Rick used Maleny as an example of a town which had created a niche for itself and ensured its survival as the Sunshine Coast developed.”
I don’t think this warning about Beerwah could have been said any better or clearer. The issue is that there appears to be insufficient transparency with the community, so for example, when publicity about the Beerwah Street upgrade took place the local Council already knew that the Beerwah Shopping Village extension would begin a few months later. – but they said absolutely nothing about this.
We also have been encouraged to hope hat Beerwah will grow into a business community while at the same time Council where working on the Caloundra South Project (and not saying anything) as well as the new Aura Development. – (this does not offer the community transparency about it’s growth)
I’m quite happy traveling to Caloundra South for my shopping, but what I don’t want to have to return to after shopping on the Coast to a town like Beerwah which is increasingly being used as a social catchment for low-income housing. (a category I myself fall into).
Thankfully I have 2 acres of land close to the center of town, but this choice is not being given to new residents who are being attracted to Beerwah, in fact new residents have very little choice about land sizes at all because there is no choice, the only choice you have now is small or extra small.
Council (unfortunately) appear only too happy to have Beerwah carved into small blocks of land by developers, the more they squeeze in the more Rate and Taxe the can get their hands on.
Incidentally, the Councils use of our money in Beerwah will be questioned soon by our community. I have learned that there is already money allocated for footpaths.
Another issue I have a bee in my bonnet about is the rising coast of living, (and no one seems to be saying anything). – have you been to the local recycle center lately?
Electricity, Water, Rate and Taxes, Fuel, Food … it’s all getting a little too much ….
i cant pay my electricity fast enough and now getting threats of disconnection food shopping has increased near 80 for the same stuff i was buying a year ago and cant complain about the 95c a liter atm
You are not alone, David Maynard it’s strangling so many families. It’s got to stop. We can and must do something about it.
ive nearly sold everything to pay my bills im not sure whats left anymore
surprise visit from rick himself with roses 4×4 toy run…