It’s plain to see the that locals are not using the Target and IGA end of the Beerwah Shopping Village carpark. There could be any number of reasons that business on IGA and Target side of the Beerwah Village appears to be struggling and shops remain idle or empty, let’s see if together we can figure out why?
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the shops in Beerwah, IGA, Target, ALDI, and Woolies, I enjoy having all the Banks in Australia and Mrs Browns Cafe and Bakehouse, (who doesn’t enjoy blond hair, long legs and short aprons?), but what I don’t appreciate is the risk of denting my trusty truck each time I go shopping at IGA or Target and let’s face it, if you park at the Target / IGA end of the car park you risk either a dent or at the very least emotional fatigue from navigating your way in and out through all the turns and bends and speed bumps.
While the accountants amongst us might remind us that the money saved shopping at IGA or Target more than compensates for the occasional dent to even the newest and most sporty of cars, they certainly won’t be able to explain away why IGA and Target appear to be having difficulties.
Thoughts and Suggestions:
Let’s face it isles at IGA are long and wide, if Grant the owner of IGA would just make the turnstyles at the entrance to IGA a little wider, we could all drive through IGA, drive through shopping’ is a novelty and we wouldn’t need to park. – problem solved.
Admittedly Target Beerwah is unable to offer us everthing that Target on the coast can. Offer Target more space to enable so that it becomes much more than a ‘Country Target’ and stocks everthing, like the Target on the coast. By the way, did you know that you can shop online or order anything at Target and they will deliver to Target in Beerwah.
IGA is too big and Target is too small, so let’s swap them around, that might balance things out a little and IGA would be probably still be able to stock everthing it does now and Beerwah Country Target could become a regular Target and stock everthing else we need and want.
Right now this all looks wrong, an there could be a thousand reasons why is not working, Here are a few possibilities for us to puzzle over.
- The Council got it wrong and Beerwah is not the destination of choice.
- The Federal Government over estimated the demand for low, mid and high density homes
- The Beerwah Village Architects got it wrong,
- The rents are too high, – it would not be the first time I have heard that the rents are crazy, and extortionate and neither will it be the last time we will read of greedy landlords on this website. 🙂
- Feng Shui is way more important that we ever thought and what ever business is set up at the eastern end of the car park is doomed to fail.
- It’s just growing pains, let it be and it will all be alright in the end.
- The Fruit and Veg shop has changed owners after only 3 or 4 months
- Many of Shops at the eastern end of the complex are vacant
- CJ’s is up for sale.
Exits and Entrances
After shopping at Target or IGA you’re forced to make a very ‘first world’ choice about which exit to use, if you choose the exit nearest Turner street, you’re forced to go left , or you might might prefer the risk of traveling further along through the car park and use the exit near the Woolworths Servo. (if they had placed on of the exits directly opposite Turner St, you might have had the choice of left or right or straight ahead).
There was a time they wanted to move Mrs Browns Cafe and Bakehouse over towards IGA and Target and the Coffee Club. I imagine moving there would have been absolute disaster for Mrs Brown and her team. (though what would it say about smiley happy service, blond hair and long legs if all the trade followed Mrs Brown).
More seriously
It’s an interesting exercise to look out how architecture impacts the way we live, and there is no doubt that your environment can make or break you as we can see from what is happening in the Beerwah Village.
“There is no doubt whatever about the influence of architecture and structure upon human character and action. We make our buildings and afterwards they make us. They regulate the course of our lives.” – Winston Churchill, 1924
Medium-density housing is a term used in Australia to describe residential developments that are at higher densities than standard low-density, (or ‘broadhectare’) suburban subdivisions, but not so high that they might be regarded as high density housing.
Historically, Feng Shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner. Depending on the particular style of Feng Shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, stars, or a compass.
It’s not Capitalism or Corporatism we should fear, rather it’s Corporatism we should be very afraid of since it’s the corporations who buy out our politicians and become responsible for for the tiny blocks of land we see creeping into the region.
I dare say that it’s corporates who are responsible for the poorly designed car park at Turner Village and a raft of other injustices, like Corporates buying Milk and Veg and Eggs and other staples at unbelievably low prices and then selling them on to us at unquestionably high prices.
Photos from this morning (Queens Birthday)
Share your thoughts: Would love to know how Beerwah residents feel about this, with all the expansion in the town, where is it all going to go? Also if you have any other puzzles worth solving, please feel free to share here.
Other Puzzles to Solve
- Puzzle 06: Would you prefer Bunnings or Masters or Hungry Jacks or McDonalds?
- Question: Where do you shop? ALDI, IGA, Woolworths, Coles or CostCo?
- Puzzle 05: Which will Beerwah choose to be like? Maleny Noosa or Caboolture?
- Puzzle 04: But tell me, where do the children play?
- Puzzle 03: How to reduce your Monthly Bank Fees by $60 a Year?
- Puzzle 02: Why Is the Beerwah IGA and Target Carpark turning away customers?
- Puzzle 01: The Puzzle 02: Tale of Two Estates, (Lushland and Coochin Twins)
- Puzzle 00: What is really Important?
- Will Beerwah get a Reject Shop? or King Kong Sales? Gone Bonkers? or One? Both? None?
Please share your comments below.
The target store is disappointing. No point shopping there as if you want choice and variety you still have to drive further away. The whole addition is badly designed, it doesn’t flow it’s either one end or the other. Even the pathways are pathetic. Are they two separately owned sites as that is how it seems.
I park at iga all the time….. Just saying. What I don’t appreciate is that to make way for progress the area lost some amazing local business I do love the super improved iga
I definitely dont like the design of the car park. I had my car reversed into around christmas time.
Everytime I go in there,I can’t find a park
Selena Toms Robertson agree and will loose more Travel Tales has gone others some in Simpson Street struggling to pick up lost trading from the street works and building processes. If you are a want not a need life is hard
I always go to iga though. Rarely park at woolies end. I agree with loosing local shops for it. I loved the little cafe that be across from the old iga
Same here. Best place to eat in Beerwah
I only use IGA and Aldi in Beerwah, I did notice with my last visit that 3 new shops are opening at that end soon. Cosmetics, shoes and kebabs. Let’s give it a chance!
Im keen on those 3 shops to open
Ooh a kebab shop…yum!
I use that end of the shopping centre a lot. I find their car park better than the one at the Woolies end…..
I shop at IGA but I hate the speedbumps…they are ruining my car no matter how slow I go. The lanes are so tiny often people cross to the wrong side just trying to navigate corners. Not a well designed car park. Get rid of the speed bumps near the cafe or at least make them smoother.
I just avoid them lol. i
I try too but winding around unnecessarily is driving me nuts lol.
There is also a large metal box with gas bottles right next to a pedestrian crossing (near the speed bumps and coffee club) that make visibility terrible for the pedestrian crossing… Not well thought through.
Totally agree!
That’s my main disappointment with it too. The speedbumps are largely pointless as the width of the lanes are that thin and tight turning that it is impossible to speed. The designers needed to sacrifice a handful of parking spots to make the curve of the corner easier than a 90 degree turn
Im guessing those speed bumps are because u have no visability on one side of the pedestrian crossing?? It Is a pain though
I work at woolies and i find that customers usually don’t go up the target end because the core needs are at the woolies end for example newsagent, bottleshop,banks and chemist so they don’t usually end up going target end because there isn’t that many shops up there sadly but from the looks of it couple more stores are opening soon and will hopefully up the sales at the end of the complex
Jessica that is because you are working there, many o us include the shops at the other end of the centre , wollies have had the monopoly for years however change is good and choice is what we have.
People don’t like length, and because it’s such a huge car park, people may be put off by it.
However, it does get used a lot in good working days.
I don’t park at woollies end coz someone always touches my car!! Last time it was keyed!
I also wanted to add i think since i moved here that once they shut off the road over the train tracks that sales went downhill along simpson st … Anyone else agree?
Simpson street definitely is alot quiter now since that road closure.
the rail crossing was a disaster and had to be closed, when they had the “protest” there were about 10 people turned out. That is not a real lot who really cared. I think Beerwah is buzzing with new life and the community is coming together finally. Again its choice, they are in or out.
Interesting over view Roland. I have never parked in the IGA end of the car park, do that nearer Woolies end and walk, I just don’t like the look of the inconvenient placed bays. The annoying part of walking is there is no path from the IGA end to the chemist side of the centre where there should be. My partner used to shop at the old IGA but for some unknown reason he no longer does. Hope the two new shops pick up customer traffic that end. I feel sorry for those shops there too, the layout with hot sun all day was not well designed or thought out by the architects etc especially for dress shops.
I never shop at Woolies, won’t ever go back there because they’re a rip off, but will happily shop at IGA when I need to buy stuff, they’re great cos they get in the stuff you really want, Would like to see more stores open there but not clothing or food, how about some different stuff that we can enjoy visiting and shopping in
I park down near Woolies and walk up to Iga and Target because I don’t want to risk my car! Anyone who knows me knows I am looking forward to the shoe store!
We shop at IGA. We very rarely shop at woollies anymore. The biggest problem with the IGA/target end is the car park. I end up driving in the wrong side when going around any of the corners. The whole complex footpath is poorly designed though especially for anyone in a wheelchair or mobility scooter.
The design of the car park is impractical for bigger style cars or 2 cars at a time. It wasn’t thought out very well. This is a major deterrent to me shopping at that end. Fix this and I’m there
I love the new IGA….Target,meh, not so much, but I have used it a couple of times. I think the planning wasn’t done correctly….they should have had all leases in place before opening the new section. And the way the old section has been handled with tenants being asked to vacate, then at the 11th hour being told they can stay…..rediculous!!! And totally unfair! It’s all about the money, and that will never change. I can’t wait to see some more shops opening in the new section 🙂
I use IGA more than ever now, Woolies sux
Never had a problem parking and I got a 4wd.
I shop at IGA I appreciate that they support Australian farmers and Australian businesses and seem to have a fairer trade policy
I have to admit I don’t use Target as much
The car park is only easy to drive in when it’s empty and if you own a small car. Lanes are too small, not enough turning room and those speed bumps are rediculous. If you need to turn and there is another car wanting to turn to your direction it’s a case of whose going to back up to let the other through.. I’ll still shop there but not if I’m in my 4wd.
Agree with Janelle
We dont have any problems parking down that end, our daughter on her L’s does not either. So I dont understand the problem. Just take your time smile and be patient maybe that is the issue more so than the issues everyone is complaining about.
I hate parking at either end. It is just too busy at the woolies end and the IGA end, it is confusing to get to. I think the whole carpark is poorly designed. There is only the one entry/exit driveway that you can go left or right. It really needs another way out in both directions. Too many speed bumps as well. The drive up from wollies to IGA instead is having to turn right to get to IGA, this road should go right through. Perhaps another entry/exit from behind Woolies instead of entering onto Peachester road.
The target end is a depressing sight with all the vacant shops. The multi nationals who own the complex are money hungry grubs and couldn’t care less about the people of the Hinterland or the business owners in their complex.
Be prepared to hear more stories of corporate stand over tactics.
The Beerwah Parade end of town is alive and kicking with a wide variety of businesses providing the Hinterland with essential services with Beerwah Small engines, mountain auto electricians, Bursons, Beerwah Hotel and Hinterland Sports store to name a few.
All business offer head ache free easy assessable parking which makes your shopping an enjoyable experience.
Say no dents shop East Side.
Well I would rather shop up at the IGA they are nicer, customer service is fantastic and there is always a car park. The woollies end needs to have one way in each aisle and they could do with some speed bumps, maybe not as sharp as the ones at IGA. I was so sick of putting myself my kid and my car at risk trying to back out of the woollies carpark. There is a speed sign there, but no one pays attention. I have had several nears misses myself and have seen 3 people trying to back out of their space only to have some impatient moron roar up the road cause they are in a hurry. Some one is going to get cleaned up there soon. Centre management really needs to do something there. Oh, and if I do have to go to the newsagent or chemist I park in the middle then get back in my car and drive up to IGA to finishe my shopping.
I agree. So many people speed in the car park.
You raise some good points, centre management don’t care, neither do the owners, because they’re not paying for the dents and bumps and accidents.
In the same way the developers are not paying for the mental health and social impact costs of living in small estate blocks.
We are unfortunately, well on the way of becoming another Caboolture styled environment because Council are allowing corporates to get away with greed, and the council are themselves greedy for rates, in exchange for the very least services they can offer.
Target was supposed to be the big draw card for the other shops but it is a mere shell of a target. Too small and stocks 90% womens clothes 10% useless crap. Where is the audio visual section, the toys section, etc? As for the IGA I think people are largely creatures of habit and while they were shut for that time frame, people got into the habit of shopping at woolies / aldi and haven’t stopped. Also its a bit light on selection, you can get what you need but only have 1 or 2 options in for that item (just one example, I can’t get my preferred toiletries from there and its a massive pain to go to two different stores to complete a shop) People will negotiate speed bumps and tight car parks for the right stores but Target is hopeless. Shopping online and collecting at local Target is a great idea but if you want feet on pavements going in and out of shops you need stores and items that are going to get people saying “hey lets go check out the shops today”
I would love to rent one of these shops but the lease is far too much for small businesses
There is too much of a disconnect between the two shopping area.
A classic example is the pedestrian path on the northern end. Everyone cuts across the grass. The carpark should have been level and underground at that end. The shops should have connected to make a continuos shopping strip. Instead of two separate, stand alone entities.
If you take your time IGA end is no problem for driving and parking. There are always impatient idiots around.
I’ve never noticed how bad the parking is.. I shop at iga nearly every day. It’s always been easy for me .
I visit my friend June Mason in Beerwah and I love your Target and the IGA is the best one I have ever been to.
And The Coffee Club is great.
I agree the Coffee Club is great.
“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
Poorly designed car park, hot as in summer can’t understand why shades won’t be put in. Most carparks in other shopping centres have them Oh I forgot we are Beerwah not the coast. Target is disappointing should be full size. Also Management is to greedy when it comes to rent shops would be full if they were much more realistically priced.
I use both ends of the car park on a regular basis and never have a problem…..Target is great, in general IGA is too expensive to do a weekly shop. Now that the veggie shop is under new management that may do better. I am very much looking forward to more shops opening to enhance what we already have, it’s a huge improvement.
Drivers need to observe the speed limit in the car par to give everyone a fair chance…. 10km people……..
HAve a few scatches over the years I worked in Beereah but Woollies end. Now dont go the other end “I go to target to buy a wide brimmed hat… no sorry we dont have them”
Target is only carrying it’s lower quality stuff and seems to be a lot of kids stuff. All the other shops are targeting that demographic as well. The bakery is also not particularly high quality and at least some of their stock is not fresh and not made daily (cold sweets). If you were going to do a chain bakery I would have gone Brumbies or Bakers Delight which is at least of a certain standard. Even the damn “cheap store” – could we really not have at least had a Reject Shop? Beerwah businesses won’t get my patronage until they lift their game. There are a lot more DINKS here now… It’s not all pensioners and ferals anymore.
This carpark is a disaster! Should’ve been a continuation of the original one without that silly grassed/footpath island. Better entries would’ve been nice – maybe even have planned one behind IGA to go onto Simpson St…. the powers that be…sometimes you got to wonder what they’re on???
If I can navigate a Nissan 4X in the IGA car park then anyone can. If IGA would stock 2 of my favorite items I’d have no need to shop at Woollies. I think we need to give it a fair go. Just sayin…
Iga is expensive
The set up of this car park is ridiculous! You can’t go around the corner out the front of Target without crossing into other lane unless you’re happy to wipe your rims out on the upright kerb! It should be one way. Much safer and logical when the lanes are narrow! Secondly does anyone else think the new speed bumps are a bit of overkill? It’s no surprise the lot is for sale
Sorry, have to laugh at the size of the disabled parking. Looks like hubby’s mobility scooter might be the only vehicle parking in such a small spot.
I only shop at Aldi or IGA.
Make the traffic for in one direction at the iga end. Two ways of ridiculous
The parking bays are just too small, it not worth the risck of getting a door in the side of your pride and joy
typical engineers turnout looked good on paper but hopeless to use!
Easy fix though
black out all the painted bays, Delete a car park or two of each row a parks and repaint them to a descent width!
the car parks are too narrow!
typical engineer turnout looked good drawn up on paper and the reality is it’s too tight for the elderly and probably a lot of the younger ones to get out of their car with out banging the car next door!
Easy fix though
black all the lines out delete a park or two of a line of parks and repaint them a bit wider! Though this time get a full size normal car and measure it with an open door!
Surely can’t be too hard to work out, even for someone with no common sense and a uni degree!
Having the exit at iga only going to simpson street is ridiculous! The main entrance at woolies is so bloody dangerous at the best of times! And joining the 2 complexes together with a xovered walkway may help particularly for all weather access!
We have 3 major grocery outlets really what did we expect overkill of supply. Remember use it or lose it. Target is a country stock we are so close to major targets stock limited. Not a lot if thought in any of this. Sorry I still support them but not good planning.
Target Beerwah is so small its surely a JOKE. The choice is very small. Having so many empty shops up that end is also not a good feeling. The rest must be too high for the shops to be filled. Perhaps sadly, it’s bad management again. All round a big disappointment after waiting so very long for the new and improved area!
Cars need to slow down at both Target and Woolworths end. The speed limit is 10km per hour. Maybe also give way to the person backing out who cannot see you approaching in your car at speed. I try to park away from everyone else to minimise my risk of being hit, a bit more walking but worth it.
First thing you need is push out the car park and start again.
Who ever designed the obstacle course you call a car park needs another job.
Keep it simple and get rid of all the islands.
There is a start.
Re- do the carparking area with one way traffic and angle parking. Then put in more shops in other than coffee, pizza , fish and chip, dentist or junk shops.
I have looked in Target but found their selection quite small and nothing catering for larger men unlike the Caloundra one. Whilst i appreciate that they can get most stuff in I tend to buy clothes on the spur of the moment or by impulse so would find ordering and waiting a bit off putting. Also tried IGA a couple of times but once again their prices are priced at a premium compared to Woolies and Aldi. There products are good, its just for me price is everything. With regards to the fruit shop again I have not used it as we seem to be over catered for fruit and veg shops in the area. I live in Peachester where there is a good one as well as Frolloths down the range who are always very friendly and their products fresh and local sourced. The new shop I guess would be good for locals in town but then they may well buy from the excellent ranges you get in the supermarkets. But the there is the new cheap dollar shop which I have visited many times and find lots of useful things their and you always leave feeling you have got a bargain
The entire car park is a nightmare.
I vote to swap target and IGA. I also vote to get them speed humps removed or smoothed out it is a joke. I know that they are there to slow u down but killing the suspension on ur car is not worth it. I have even seen the police drive around them. I don’t really think that u need 2 one would be enough just not as aggressive. The layout of the car park is also not good. Make that top end one way and change the eastern entrance better you have to turn to tight and if there is a car trying to turn right in the middle lane as you are going out it is way to close for comfort. Developers need to get out from behind the desk and live in the real world
The car park is designed no doubt to fit the landfall. The resulting design is such that it promotes bottlenecks and dead zones. Nobody is going to walk around that grass island unless they are short on their 10000 steps for the day. Having been crashed into which was my fault as much as the other fellow’s, I am now very hesitant to park there. However, it is a fact that the sight lines are almost non existent for safe reversing in places, the parking bays are restrictive as they are narrow – this is the land of big utes and trucks. The driving lanes should have been half as wide again so people don’t have to swing into the oncoming lane so far in order to get into a free bay. People focussing on getting a convenient, available bay are forgetting about safety. The community stress about this car park and its poor design are going to eventually contribute to something we would not wish on anyone. We are still walking around this car park with the careless attitude born of a sleepy country town centre, which it no longer is. Keep your children close to you or in your trolly. Whoever designed and whoever approved this car park would be well advised to listen to the overwhelming community feedback and do something about it urgently.
This was a document in perth to council. Maybe something like this could be done to council
When someone references “feng shui” when commenting on town planning they lose all credibility…
Target Australia has nothing there!
I drive a wheelchair bus and no way would it fit there
That disabled car park looks tiny? Yvonne Wright. We have some terrible car parks here too, don’t know how they go about measuring them
This topic is a real hot potato! Problems with parking are clearly the Number ONE topic of dissent – but seriously, there are NO parking problems when you walk or bike to the shops (and that’s completely a DO-able for most people who live in Beerwah!) I find IGA a *breeze* to shop in – cheaper than Woollies – and much easier and quicker to navigate around – and I note they have Seniors’ discounts *every* day of the week! I agree with most of the comments below – for a semi-rural village the size of Beerwah, we certainly didn’t need THREE supermarkets, TWO bargain stores, multiple women’s clothing stores (sad that Target is almost all women’s clothing too!) and MULTIPLE cafés! Seriously, if people don’t have jobs, they certainly don’t have the spare cash to sit around all day sipping cups of tea (or coffee)!! I miss Mitre 10 and Beerwah Shoes. But talking about mismanagement of traffic flow: NO thought was given to how someone is supposed to cross safely from the Library over to Beerwah Marketplace! (And there are a lot of elderly people in this community)…
I agree with everyone’s comments about the Target being too small. I need business work clothes and I was very disappointed to see the range offered. I now drive to Morayfield to the target there and consequently do the remainder of my shopping. The woman’s clothes shop next to Target offered some great clothes to start with in all sizes but now they have gone back to the small teenage sizing, so another reason for me to stop going there.
They should have made a walkway/crossing to get from iga to bargain max / pharmacy side. yes theres already a foot path on the opposit side but walking with kids is dangerous to cut through the car park and walking all the way down to woolies and back around to get to those shops is a pain then to do it just to get bak to iga side.
Great article you’ve hit so many nails on the head. I’d take a guess the rent is crazy and the architects got it way wrong is all too spread out shopping with young children you can’t be traipsing from one end of a car park to the other just to have a quick look in target when you’re shopping at woolies or even going to the chemist from iga is a traffic negotiating nightmare. Someone got paid way to much to provide the locals with something very impractical!!!Good luck to the businesses already there. They’ll probably need it.
Such first world problems…. how sad that this is all some can find to have a blow out about. Be thankful that people put up their hard earned savings to even start a business in Beerwah, as far as large corporates there are 2, woolies and target. What about the other small business that are trying to make a living, some are franchise regardless of the name on the door. So how about we stop winging and start supporting these local business people.