Please help solve the puzzle about the “Tale of Two Estates in Beerwah”. Why is one estate Lushland selling like wood fired pizza on a cold day, and another estate Coochin Twins remains seemingly desolate, unwanted, and as empty as a whistle?
Which Two Estates are these?
Coochin Twins, Beerwah: years in development, and empty
Lushland Estate, Beerwah: months in development, with houses popping up like mushrooms
Clue: Could it have something to do with the size of the land ?
Here’s the thing: For as long as I have lived in Beerwah, I have been walking through what was once a Pineapple Field (we called it knight frank) and which stretched between Old Gympie Rd and Tower Lane, nestled alongside the Coochin Creek. I know this region well, it overlooks the Coochin Twins and if you walk through it leads into one of the nicest neighbourhoods in Beerwah. The homes along Carnarvon Drive, Beerwah, QLD, 4519 are on large blocks, on a respectable sized road surrounded by peace and tranquility.
It occurred to me as I was walking my dogs through the estate recently that perhaps the developers were purposely holding back on develpment so that they could shrink the properties further? Surely not!
Actually the concern is not entirely only my own: but also that of a lovely lady, who also walking her dogs through the vacant land, expressed her concerns to me that a recent application had been made to shrink the property sizes further – a fact I have not yet confirmed, so instead I ask you?
On the other hand the estate over at Lushland is flourishing, with homes popping up like mushrooms. It has me bamboozled? Can anyone throw some light on this for us please?
So what was once a very good start to providing half acre blocks to our community in Beerwah along Carnarvon Road and Lindeman Road have unfortunately been disrupted by a flurry of small blocks and estate living, I don’t feel that this is a problem closer to town but it seems like such a shame so close to the Coochin Twins.
Anyway back to Puzzle 01: Can anyone help me understand why the Coochin Twins estate remains empty while Lushland is flourishing?
Other Puzzles to Solve
- Puzzle 06: Would you prefer Bunnings or Masters or Hungry Jacks or McDonalds?
- Question: Where do you shop? ALDI, IGA, Woolworths, Coles or CostCo?
- Puzzle 05: Which will Beerwah choose to be like? Maleny Noosa or Caboolture?
- Puzzle 04: But tell me, where do the children play?
- Puzzle 03: How to reduce your Monthly Bank Fees by $60 a Year?
- Puzzle 02: Why Is the Beerwah IGA and Target Carpark turning away customers?
- Puzzle 01: The Puzzle 02: Tale of Two Estates, (Lushland and Coochin Twins)
- Puzzle 00: What is really Important?
- Will Beerwah get a Reject Shop? or King Kong Sales? Gone Bonkers? or One? Both? None?
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Probably cos of the removal of the trees???
The developers hardly removed any trees as it used to be a pineapple farm.
OK thanks for the clarity. I really had no idea.
I think the intersection at the beerwah primary school has a lot to do with it. It has a huge amount of traffic constantly runnifng through it…. especially at school times creating a dangerous intersection.
Is it to do with coochin creek flooding when it rains? That estate is quite low.
No it runs off
It may well run off, the problem is not run off, rather it’s the high insurance of living near the creek. – some insurance companies won’t insure near creeks.
I live on the river on 2 acres and I loose an acre when it floods, but I am still higher than Coochin Twins.
Defiantly! We back onto Coochin Twin Mountains and thankfully have a good set up that prevents us flooding.
It’s not always whether something floods, people would have the perception that it would, being next to a creek that shows signs of flooding. Also, there might also be the perception that it’s a bit far out of town, even if it’s two minutes by car and twenty minutes walking.
Not an option to build much closer to town then that Raymond. The nicer/quiter places are out of the town centre started out as was set up by Roland Munyard in 2003 as a way of offering a noticeboard to the community and surrounding areas of Beerwah and as a way of demonstrating commitment to the community amongst whom he has chosen to live.
I believe Coochin Twins estate is built to the Q100 code which means it is built above one in 100 year flood level . The last time it flooded in Beerwah there was no water laying around on any of the blocks .
No, we drove around it just after the water went back, and the lower gardens/trees planted below the northernmost road showed signs of having been under water, but that stopped just below road level. However, the amount of water coming out of the blocks was a bit surprising as well. And perception can account for a lot and doesn’t necessarily rely on fact.
I personally would be more worried about the 5 or so metre python I saw on the bridge a couple of years ago, seeing as I have small animals.
Raymond I think you will find what you were seeing was the area around part of the Estate where Council required it to stay as is & the developer was required to put extra planting there. None of that area is part of the Estate.
I know which one I would choose but you haven’t mentioned if there is a price difference or if one area is a possible wet area. Would have to know a lot more to decide on this.People live in a rushed world and maybe don’t have time for a large block. There would be more than one factor in this equation so would need lots more infomation.
What size have the blocks in Coochin Estate been reduced to???
Some 500sqm
Ridiculous!!! Honestly….who would move to Beerwah just to live like a matchbox??? It’s a money grab by the developers that will hopefully fail.
It’s partly the developers but mostly the council fault, they could quite easily make the estates a little more like Canarvon Rd which is less than 10 years old and lovely.
There are only a few small blocks. Most are normal subdivision sizes.
Have you seen the size of the lots in Coochin Hills? You would step out your back door and into your fence!
The Council and Fed’s are mostly to blame for the small sizes, but that’s not really the issue, rather it’s that you simply can’t get an acre or two in Beerwah anymore.
New residents are shoehorned into small blocks without any choice, even if they have money to buy a half acre they can’t, because of bad planning and short sightedness.
Estate Agents don’t care becase they still make their percentage on sale.
Council don’t care, they still make money on rates and don’t need to provide services, which are then palmed off to the developers.
Fed don’t care either, – (not sure why).
It’s a trade off between regions like Noosa where the locals are switched on and tell the councils what to do, places like Beerwah, where the developers tell the councils what to do and everyone else remains indifferent.
One is more exposed than the other. I live right near them.
could not pay me to live in either
We are quite new to the area & I don’t know where lushland estate is but we looked at buying & building in Coochin Twibs estate & decided against it after a visit out there & discovering how string the smell from the chicken farm / processing plant was at the estate
The smell of the chook farm is not as strong on the west and east of the chook farms, but it’s very stinky on the north and south of the farms which are the general directions of the prevailing winds. (I think). also I know someone who lived in Beerwah Heights and had to move because of the stink.
We lived in Beerwah Heights when it first opened, we didn’t mind the smell from the sheds. Mind you, when we lived in Nichols Ave we didn’t mind the sawmill either. They’re rural areas, despite what people moving in would have you believe, and those are very rural smells and sounds.
Strange, I’ve never smelt the farm at Coochin Twins but have smelt it at Lushland which is closer.
Raymond Cooper Beerwah was once considered a rural area but the current town plans quite clearly show that Beerwah is no longer considered a rural area.
Even urban areas deserve reasonable land sizes, and again evidence shows that properties of 600m or less are not longer consider rural.
Please advice by reply when the sawmill closed
and when last you smelt the sweet smell of sawdust and wet succulent timber.
But here we are half way through 2015 living in Beerwah and still smelling the stench of claustrophobic chickens.
We lived in Nichols Ave from the end of 92 through August or so in 94, and then in Beerwah Heights afterwards. I think the sawmill shut sometime around then or not long after due to noise complaints, largely by people who moved into the area if I recall. It was across the road from the town end of Eden. Nothing remains of it now.
We have live next to the coochin twins development for three years and have never once smelt the chook farm.
Dont move to pine view then it stinks 3-4 nights a week
Yes, I agree Dale , I have never smelt the farm at Coochin Twins.
Hi Nicole, Are u sure you were at Coochin Twins? I’ve been there a few times now & I have never smelt anything bad.?
Yes, it was definitely Coochin twins. We were seriously looking at buying there & had been out several times & it was only on one occasion that the smell was bad. Maybe it was just the way the wind was blowing….or maybe it was the feed processing plant next the state school? Sorry as I said I’m quite new to the area….
We smell the chicken farm in Woodgrove all the time. Yuck!
I imagine a developer has purchased a couple of blocks alongside each other and is hoping to be able to subdivide 2 blocks (total 1200m) into 3 blocks of 400m each. This way they get three blocks out of two blocks and a very easy extra $150K or more.
They also set a president and pave the way for other subdivisions.
I would go as far as to suggest that the developers might already have positioned the services for easy subdivision.
Unless someone can give me a better reason and explain why no one is building on the land yet? then this is what I am going to choose to believe for now.
Maybe the Titles haven’t been released yet from the tiles office.
Perhaps, Mandy Wright, you may be, right, (and I may be crazy) but i doubt that is the case, … put simply how would you feel if council was picking it’s nose and counting its toes while you were loosing money hand over fist?
No I don’t think so. – the developers would be yelling at the very tops of their vocal range.
I think there is something more sinister going on.
But titles are not issued by Council. Titles are issued through the state government .
fair enough, …. what do I know, other than that the estate is as empty as a whistle.
Why is all I ask?…. while quietly thinking they are proposing changes to the land size.
Can’t start building without Titles
Donna Girdler
No one building probably because the Titles office has been holding up the the paper work for some reason. Also the Estate didn’t flood because it was developed according to the one in 100 year flood level. In fact I was out there straight after that big rain we had a while ago & the estate had no water laying around.
Just enough room to pitch a tent on a block at Coochin twins we live next door to this land really worried it will become a slum in the future.
I believe there is only a couple of smaller lots to cater for people who don’t want larger blocks, otherwise the blocks are normal subdivision size blocks. I agree their not rural blocks , but not all land in Beerwah are rural blocks.
I thought they were all around 500m2 or smaller, will have to go check it out again.
Definitely not all that small Dale
Average around 650m2 down to postage stamp 431m2
Some around 800 approx
Would you happen to be a realesate agent Mandy.
Mandy Wright You appear to know a lot about the estate, would you be willing to tell us quite honestly what exactly is happening in the estate>
Quite Frankly we don’t know, … Thats why we ask, we are simply asking questions? if you know something that we don’t please feel free to share.
As Frasier Crane might say … I’m listening …
seriously ‘m not here to cause and issue, ….. I just want to know what is happening in the estate and why. ( and yes I prefer larger land sizes, and so do our kids).
If you spoke to the Real Estate Agent who is handling the Estate, you would find out the info. Also I believe you live next to the Estate so I thought you would know what is happening.
Dale , I am definitely not Real Estate. I just speak to the right people who know what is happening. I don’t just make assumptions .
431m2 is not an assumption its on the map on the internet
Sorry Dale I was only answering your question about if I was a real estate. I agree there are some small blocks to cater for people who prefer small blocks.
it’s a puzzle …. solve it and you’re the winner …..
until its solved its open for comment and speculation … honestly it’s a bit of fun and a ‘pot stir’. and a hunch.
Provide a reasonable (verifiable) answer and I will gladly publish it and go on to Puzzle #2
As far as seeking anymore imformation why would I want to do that drove around it once and that was enough to see how small the blocks are I am quite happy on our acre backing onto the coochin twins. and as a builder I sure wouldnt build specy there.
Oops I’ve forgotten what the question was ?
Life gets like that Mandy have a good night. Cheers.
We also went for a drive after work tonight as I was curious about where lushland estate was. There seems to be a few house & land packages for sale so I wonder if the housing is a directive from the actual developer of this particular estate rather than just land sales at Coochin twins?
Nicole Forbes-Hood good point, … I really have no idea, … thats why I’m looking for answers … if I had even the faintest idea I would shout it out.
There are property companies pitching cheap Dual Occupancy Homes in Beerwah to Sydney investors. House with Granny flat/attached 1bd unit. Where are they?
They are filling up the Lushland Estate
While both have investor product going up, it does seem like Lushland has a big majority of duplexes and rentals. Nothing wrong with that (I’m a current renter) but something seems to have attracted investors.
I’m always wary about buying into developments where the boundary is governed by the 400m odour barrier from the nearby chicken farm and the company put a sign up making sure that future residents know they are only 400m from it! Both Lushland and Pineview are affected by this limitation.
In Coochin Twins, other than a few blocks being converted into 450sqm lots (maybe 9 in the whole estate), all the blocks are the same size or larger than that of Lushland and similar to Pineview.
Full disclosure, we considered all three developments before choosing Coochin Twins. We could get one of the larger lots, it was surrounded by forest, the backdrop of the twins and the difference in time to town and schools was negligible.
Just moved into pineview estate the chicken farm stinks . So disappointed.
Yeah so a few years on, Cochin twins sold all 650-1000 blocks and lushland is building town houses, never once smelled the chook farm at the twins but hear constant complaints from the other two estates. This whole article just plain silly, you claim to be just asking a question but all you did was speculate and bad mouth about Coochin twins when it is far superior to the others. Are you still just bitter they developed next to you ?