What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

GlasshouseCountry.com started out as Beerwah.org was set up by Roland Munyard in 2003 as a way of offering a noticeboard to the community and surrounding areas of Beerwah and as a way of demonstrating commitment to the community amongst whom he has chosen to live. Since those early days the site has undergone numerous changes and developments and has kept abreast of current technologies including … [Read More...]

This Holiday: Encourage your Kids to Learn and Play Music
Music is the 'lingo franco' of the world, and like prayer they are a part of our mental and physical anatomy which we can't easily explain or even understand how they work. Thankfully we can all just get on with these activities regardless of what other people think or feel about them. Here is a video, made known to me by Mark Tweddle, a music teacher from Glasshouse. It's a TED Talk (We love … [Read More...]

Queensland Rail and Translink Travel Concerns from Beerwah – Case #2
Hi!, Throughout my short time travelling from Beerwah to the University of Queensland & Roma St, I have noticed several issues making it difficult for this transit to be enjoyable. Tomorrow (1/3/16) I have to travel to UQ for my first lecture of the semester, I have to arrive for the lecture at around 1pm. The easiest and fastest transit route available for me tomorrow, involves 2 stop … [Read More...]

A Tribute to Victor Donald Smith: A Pioneer of Beerwah – RIP
On this day 33 years ago a Pioneer of Beerwah passed away. His name was Victor Donald Smith. His was a vital part of Beerwah's history and contributed to Beerwah's growth and prosperity. Missed by the grandchildren of this man, Kathleen Evan (Smith) & Diane Paes (Smith). Never forgotten, Always Loved. R.I.P. Pop Smith 02-01-1901 - 21-07-1982 The attached newspaper clipping reads as … [Read More...]

Maleny Dairies Trash the Wedding Dress Video
Maleny Dairies recently did a charity event called "Trash the Wedding Dress", this Seven News video features some of the highlights. - Enjoy. Grab some friends, put on a wedding dress and have the time of your life. You may never get the chance to do this again! A prestigious and renowned Maleny photographer Emma Ruddle of Emma Ruddle Photography will capture your special moment and you will … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Pauline and Temeike from Neddy’s Nosebag Cafe and Takeway
Pauline and Temeike from Neddy's Nosebag Cafe With friendly staff like Pauline and Temeike serving you at Neddy's Nosebage Cafe and Takeaway, it's little wonder that Neddy's has long been a popular stopover cafe and resting place for both Locals and travellers and why wouldn't it be? When asked what the like about their jobs Sisters Pauline and Temeike replied "We love food and we love … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Leanda and Craig from The Healthy Guru
Leanda and Craig have owned their health shop The Healthy Guru for one year and one day since they were first drawn to the area and the idea of opening a highly visible shop which catered to Communities needs and offered a “one stop wellness centre.” They were initially attracted to the Beerwah area through their love of the mountains and rapidly emerging community development … [Read More...]

A Free Editorial about your Business on Glasshouse Country
I would like to offer you a free Editorial about your Business on Beerwah.com Publish a free 500 word editorial or article Publish photos of your business activities Link back to your own website Letters to the Editor: I publish “Letters to the Editor”. If you feel strongly about an issue related to Beerwah and/or the surrounding towns I would love to publish your letter. Subscribe … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country News
The regions local newspaper is the Glasshouse Country News situated at 16 Coonowrin Road, Glass House Mountains, Their motto is that it is locally produced - for local people - supporting local businesses. … [Read More...]

A Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah on Saturday 8th November 2014
A Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah on Saturday 8th November 2014 A Portrait of Simpson Street on a early overcast Saturday morning in November 2014, - We've had a little time after the completion of the Street Upgrade and I felt it might be nice to capture this moment in time. I have called this page a Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah, 2014 - Photos taken early on Saturday morning … [Read More...]

Mooloolah Community Family Fun Day on Sunday 14th October 2012
Whites IGA, Sunshine Coast Council and Mooloolah Community Centre are again hosting the Mooloolah Community Family Fun Day on Sunday 14th October 2012. This year the Fun Day will include even more market stalls, free kids rides including giant slide, jumping castles, games, Sparkles the clown, Scouts, animals, live music and entertainment, face painting, food and more! This is a great … [Read More...]

4 Wheel Driving through the Beautiful Glass House Mountains
This video is a great example for the beautiful and spectacular terrain in this region of the sunshine coast. I'm not suggesting that you drive you 4x4 though the woods and forrest, but if you are interested in the region and what it has to offer then this video will give you a good idea of some the tracks and country side. The video is well presented and well filmed. Here is some of the … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country Festival Information Night on Thurday the 11th October
You are invited to the Glasshouse Country Festival Information Night to discuss and find out more about the Festival which will be held in the Glasshouse Country Region between the 18th and 27th of October 2012 Sharing our unique spirit: How would you like to see our region’s diverse range of culture, arts, environment, heritage, sports and other qualities celebrated? Local community … [Read More...]

Puzzle 00: What is really Important?
What is really important? We live in a town with three big schools, and a number of kindergartens, our community which has been flagged as "growth area", our shopkeepers all want us to "shop local", our Government wants us to hand over all power and "trust them" while they protect us from danger, 15000 km away from an enemy I only heard of 3 weeks ago. (you guessed right, I don't focus on … [Read More...]

Are you interested in Art Lessons? or Who is Gundars Eglentals?
Gundars is a local Artist who is responsible for an array of painting in the Hinterland, and I've persuaded him to do a series of Art Lessons at my home in Beerwah. We would want about 6 - 10 people and the cost would depend on the numbers who are interested. Art Lessons might run for 6 to 8 weeks. Topics might include sketching, drawing and painting, landscape and portrait, lessons would … [Read More...]

Landsborough Museum
Landsborough Museum is the largest Social History Museum between Gympie & Brisbane. Not only do they collect, interpret & display items from the Landsborough Shire, Caloundra City as well as part of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council but they also have an extensive research library including maps & photographs, microfiche & microfilm and as a large collection of history books … [Read More...]