What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Goodbye and Hello IGA in Beerwah
Goodbye (and Hello IGA Beerwah) The shopping shelves are almost slowly emptying at the Beerwah IGA on Simpson Street and I can only guess it's in preparation for the imminent move into the new Beerwah Shopping Complex, (new Woolies Complex). Our man on the street Ben Lettres send me this message on the 5th or September: "Hey guys thought I would let You know that I have seen an IGA truck … [Read More...]

The Town of Beerwah
The ever-growing town of Beerwah resides in the southern portion of the Sunshine Coast hinterland, which is located in South-East Queensland. It is the local business hub of the area, the small town of Landsborough five kilometres to the north, Glasshouse Mountains township six kilometres to the south and the hamlet of Peachester, approximately ten kilometres to the west. Its current population is … [Read More...]

Allan’s Upholstery and Handyman Services
Allan's Upholstery is a specialist in both modern and traditional styles of upholstery with over 40 years experience. Delivering both quality craftsmanship and customer service. From recover, repair to custom made furniture for the commercial or domestic markets.Allan McConnelly is also are happy to look at your motor vehicle, marine and caravan trimming. Alan uses only the best quality … [Read More...]

The Sign of the Fish – We love Maleny Dairies
Maleny Dairies in Queensland use the sign of a fish on their product labels as a way of waving the flag for God because of what God has done for their business. Their business is doing very well and they give thanks to God for their success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCfAZSduuKU Maleny Dairies have done a great job supporting Community and adding value to our daily lives. If they … [Read More...]

Landsborough Market
The Landsborough Markets are held each Saturday between 07.00am and midday at the Landsborough Memorial Hall [the old School of Arts building] opposite the rail crossing in Landsborough. This market is fairly new and we are growing each week. There have been previous markets in the area and now it is our turn. The new market seeks to provide an outlet for local singers, artists and craft people … [Read More...]

Beerwah Village Opening Soon
Everyone in Beerwah knows that the Beerwah Village will be opening soon and to be honest it looks very impressive, so one can't help but look forward in expectation to how this new Shopping Village will improve our Community. Beerwah is, as planned by Council, becoming the business hub and activity centre of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland as set down in State Government Planning. Together with … [Read More...]

Portrait of a Small Town
This page was originally written in 2004 and was part of the old http://www.glasshousecountry.com website , I've keep it on Beerwah.com for sentimental reasons. A recent (2004) collection of photographs. I would like to add some historic photos, If you have any historical images to contribute please Contact me. This mural is on the public toliets in beerwah, Beerwah is situated on the … [Read More...]

Find out more about the Green Army on the Sunshine Coast
If you are between 17 and 24 you might be interested in working in the Green Army (and getting paid), What exactly is the Green Army: You can find our more by watching this YouTube Video but they are a group of youths who get paid to take care of Community organisations, Landcare groups, natural resource management organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations, local councils and … [Read More...]

Pressure Drop Records in Maleny
Pressure Drop Records in Maleny A record store located on the main street of Maleny. Selling new and second-hand vinyls, turntables, turntable parts, audio cables, polaroid cameras and local art. Jazz, reggae, dub, funk, soul, blues, rock, folk, african, 80s, hip hop, electronic & more Now with art, vintage clothes and a two player arcade cabinet. Pressure Drop Records in Maleny have a … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Eric Smith from Beerwah Cycles
Eric Smith from Beerwah Cycles has been helping the local community with all their cycling needs since 2007, and it's wonderful to see that 7 years after setting up business in Beerwah, Eric and Beerwah Cycles are still with us in 2014 and going from strength to strength. Eric is well liked not only because he offers great service, but because as many know, you will often find him, helping out … [Read More...]

The Coochin Twins Estate in October 2012
Attached are a collection of photographs taken in October 2012, These Photos were taken using my iPad. Some years ago I took photos of Woodgrove Estate, before the development filled with houses. I remember running through the long grass on the estate, while my daughter Rachel rode her horse through the estate. I seem to recall having my bicycle with me so I must have been fit. :) I suppose the … [Read More...]

Letters to the Editor
We welcome your comments which may be published in on this website and/or in the newsletter and/or on Facebook . Please provide all the required information below. Only your name and suburb will be published. NOTE: Your submission may be edited prior to publication and a correct email and telephone number must be entered for verification purposes. [user-submitted-posts] Terms and … [Read More...]

Local Social Networking
How to Promote your business and information You can help us by telling us about your Events, Meetings Clubs, News We also want to know if you are not happy with anything in the Glasshouse Country Region. This website is about Social Interaction and we have made it as easy as possible to Publish on this our Glasshouse Country website. The Communities and Towns of Mooloolah, … [Read More...]

Club: Maleny Garden Club
The goal of the Maleny Garden Club is to foster and promote an active interest in all matters relating to gardening on the Range. To raise awareness in the Club and the Community of the local environment. To stage events that promote the beauty and diversity of the region and at the same time raise funds for local community groups. Website: http://www.malenygardenclub.org/ Maleny Garden … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country Christmas Lights 2014
Celebrating the lovely people who give us pleasure by decorating their homes and gardens with Christmas lights. Each year for as long as I have lived in Beerwah many of the homes in the Glasshouse Country get lit up with a stunning display of Christmas lights and outdoor decorations. This year I thought we might celebrate with them with them by recording their efforts right here on the … [Read More...]
The Hungry Beast looks at Woolworths and Coles
The Hungry Beast looks at Woolworths and Coles: This week, the Beast File looks at Australias Big Two supermarket chains. Woolworths & Coles are a $100 billion a year duopoly with a retail market share unmatched in the developed world. And they have their fingers in a lot of other pies too. … [Read More...]