What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Pop Star Cassi’s Hilbers sings her latest song ‘Brave Forever’ on YouTube
At 10 years old Cassi's Hilbers from Beerwah in Queensland sings latest song 'Brave Forever'. This song was inspired by Cassi's visits to children's hospitals around Brisbane where she sings to the children, and also her little friend Cadence. Please visit her website at http://www.cassihilbers.com Please visit her website at http://www.cassihilbers.com … [Read More...]

Pretty Thrifty: Frugal Grocery Shopping
For me, Frugal Grocery Shopping essential because I have a large family and groceries are one our biggest expenses. (in Australia Food is Stupidly Expensive). I have searched the net looking for money saving tips and advice, so first off let me say that these are not all my tips, they were written by Leo Babauta, who writes at ZenHabits.net We are all different, so … [Read More...]

The SuperDads delight the crowd at Beerwah FunFest 2012
The SuperDad's Woo'ed the crowd at Glasshouse Country Christian College's Funfest on Saturday the 4th of August 2012. Please show your appreciation by liking them on the Beerwah YouTube Channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/BeerwahTV Please show your appreciation by liking them on the Beerwah YouTube Channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/BeerwahTV … [Read More...]

Lions Mountain View Challenge 2012 on Sunday the 5th August 2012
The Maleny-Blackall Range Lions Club invites you to our inaugural ‘Lions Mountain View Challenge’ to raise funds for the Lions Medical Research Foundation and other local projects. A sporting challenge for the serious runner as well as the whole family with runs and walks to suit all levels of participation and fitness. FUNDS RAISED TO GO TO THE LIONS MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION 21 … [Read More...]
Costco North Lakes
Details: Costco North Lakes 17-39 Cooks Court, North Lakes QLD www.costco.com.au … [Read More...]
Meet Honorary Locals: Milan and Himanshu – Euro Solar Salesmen
Milan and Himanshu have been visiting me since February, and have finally convinced me to sign up to Solar Energy. I don't rush into things, especially when it involves money, however my last electricity bill was $841.39 and my four previous bills were roughly the same. (I'm with Origin Energy at present). Anyone who drives past my home knows it's lit like a cruise ship on the ocean, mostly … [Read More...]

Quota International
QUOTA INTERNATIONAL MALENY INC. Quota International Inc. is made up of individual clubs established as an avenue for community minded women to serve their communities, especially in the areas of speech and hearing and disadvantaged women and children. Businesswoman Wanda Frey Joiner founded Quota International Inc. in Buffalo, New York in 1919. Today hundreds of Quota clubs exist in many … [Read More...]

Morning “Photo Stroll” around Beerwah
This morning, 25th July, 2014, I did something of a "Photo Stroll" around Beerwah, and I thought I might share some of the highlights, including the New Housing Estate at the corner of Peachester and Roberts Road, a Peek into the Vacant Land (about 5 acres outside the Beerwah Recycle Centre, a Peek into the old "Eden Retirement Centre" now know as Embracia. You can Click on any photo for a … [Read More...]

Landsborough Tyre Service
Landsborough Tyre Service Address: 30 Tytherleigh Avenue Landsborough Phone: 5494 8883 I was delighted recently to discover Landsborough Tyre Service, not only are they great people Greg and Tom to a great job helping people but a got a great deal on my 4x4 wheels, give Greg a call and book your car in for a service or get a perfect deal on a set of New Tyres & Wheel … [Read More...]
Glass House Mountains
Glass House Mountains is a Sunshine Coast hinterland town, located in South-East Queensland, Australia. Being approximately 70 kiometres north of Brisbane, in the Caloundra City shire, it feels curiously isolated, though it is not far from anywhere you care to mention. Locals know the town simply as ‘Glasshouse’. … [Read More...]

Steve, one of Beerwah’s favourite Sportsmen is opening a new Sports Store tomorrow
Steve one of Beerwah's sportsmen is opening a new Sports Store in town Steve one of Beerwah's favourite Sportsmen is opening a new sports store in town tomorrow. 3rd September 2014, Here is he relaxing with his kids enjoying a lunchtime bite. I will try and get some photos of his new shop tomorrow morning. :) I dropped by today but thought it unfair to collect photos while they are … [Read More...]

Local Social Networking
How to Promote your business and information You can help us by telling us about your Events, Meetings Clubs, News We also want to know if you are not happy with anything in the Glasshouse Country Region. This website is about Social Interaction and we have made it as easy as possible to Publish on this our Glasshouse Country website. The Communities and Towns of Mooloolah, … [Read More...]

Super Moon in Beerwah on Sunday 10th August 2014
These photos of Sunday's Super Moon in Beerwah were taken by Josh Whysall from WoodGrove Estate this weekend using an iPhone and his father telescope. Super Moon Photos take on Sunday 10th August, from Woodgrove Estate, Beerwah, Queensland, Australia Super Moon Photos take on Sunday 10th August, from Woodgrove Estate, Beerwah, Queensland, Australia Super Moon … [Read More...]

The Beast File: Woolies and Coles (HUNGRY BEAST)
This week, the Beast File looks at Australias Big Two supermarket chains. Woolworths & Coles are a $100 billion a year duopoly with a retail market share unmatched in the developed world. And they have their fingers in a lot of other pies too. Hungry Beast airs in Australia on the ABC, 9PM Wednesdays. More stories: … [Read More...]
Question: What Shops are we missing in Beerwah?
G'day Hinterlanidians I was wondering this morning... What shops are we missing in the Beerwah and surrounding areas? Music shops? Bait and tacklestores? Sports stores? If you think our area needs a new shop, what would it be and would you shop in it? Have a great one Here are some of your thoughts Helen Zollinger Bunnings, pet store, and def cinemas. A big w would also be … [Read More...]

The Glasshouse Markets on Sunday the 9th of September 2012
A collection of 150+ classic cars, swap meet stalls, 45+ stallholders showcasing handcarfted arts/crafts, fresh produce, childrens car making workshop/competition, jumping castle, face painting, Live Music. A great day for the whole family. Relax in the Sunflower cafe with a fresh coffee and beautiful food. All funds from the car show and BBQ to benefit Glasshouse Mtns State … [Read More...]