What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

List Your Business FREE
For all of our followers who run local businesses: Your business listing with Glasshouse Country also gets you further advertising on Social Media outlets http://Facebook.com/Beerwah and our Newsletter and http://Twitter.com/Beerwah and http://Google.com/+Glasshousecountry Article Publication Press Releases In support of our the Local Community we offer to publish your press release on our … [Read More...]
Beerwah Fresh Fruits
Beerwah Fresh Fruits offers the Beerwah community fruit and vegetables sourced from local farmers. The new owner is a smart man and has a farm of his own. He promised me a video interview and I will publish that as soon as I get a chance. Beerwah Fresh Fruits Beerwah Fresh Fruits 3/44 Simpson st Beerwah, Queensland, 4519 (07) 5494 6867 … [Read More...]

Maleny Dairies Trash the Wedding Dress Video
Maleny Dairies recently did a charity event called "Trash the Wedding Dress", this Seven News video features some of the highlights. - Enjoy. Grab some friends, put on a wedding dress and have the time of your life. You may never get the chance to do this again! A prestigious and renowned Maleny photographer Emma Ruddle of Emma Ruddle Photography will capture your special moment and you will … [Read More...]

About Community Spirit
It's can be difficult to define exactly what Community is, like the human spirit it's not easily defined and may look different form your point of view. I like to think of it as "friendship without obligation". Some Quotes about Community Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend … [Read More...]

Photo Strolls around Beerwah
A collection of Photo Strolls around Beerwah using Listly, Please click on the Post Titles to see the original Article and to see the all the images, some of these post have 100's of images, and you can vote the collections up and down if you like. - Enjoy. [listly id="mlu" layout="list" show_header="true" show_author="true" show_sharing="true" show_tools="true" per_page="25"] … [Read More...]

Town and Country Health Supplies Online
Town and Country Health Supplies Online, We Sell Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM), Hyaluronic Acid and Colloidal Silver' Small-scale studies of possible treatments with MSM have been conducted on both animals and humans. These studies of MSM have suggested some benefits, particularly for treatment of osteoarthritis. MSM is sold as a dietary supplement and marketed with a variety of claims, often … [Read More...]

Shannon Barrett will do pickups, deliveries and tip runs at affordable prices
Need something picked up? Shannon Barrett will do pickups, deliveries, and tip runs at affordable prices, just send himm a message or comment or call Shannon on his mobile. Available anytime, have ute, caged trailer, and straps. All Sunshine Coast areas. Call Shannon Barrett on 0416127304 for a quote. … [Read More...]

Meet the Sportsman: Damien Collins – Triathlete Extraordinaire
Local triathlete Damien Collins is set for an age group win at the 2015 Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon. Damien is a 'local hero' and international Sportsman well worth supporting or sponsoring, This 20 minute interview will give you a behind the scenes view of the sacrifice, commitment, dedication Damien puts into his training. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=_b8ehIb2SXM Damien has build an … [Read More...]

Photos: Shine Arts Evenings at the Christian College (a few photos)
The Shine Arts Evening at the Christian College have been a blast of talent. These are only a few of the excerpts I managed to take. There are three live stages and the library and the Arts Rooms were jam packed with exhibits so there was simply too much to capture all at once. Below are a few photos I manage to take. - Enjoy. There were many more displays, however these … [Read More...]
The Town of Beerburrum
THE QUAINT VILLAGE OF BEERBURRUM Beerburrum is a little town in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, of South-East Queensland. According to the 2006 census, Beerburrum had a population of 288. It is located close to the slightly larger town of Glass House Mountains, six kilometres to the north. To the south, approximately sixty kilometres away, lies the state capital, Brisbane. Beerburrum is part of … [Read More...]

Puzzle 05: Which will Beerwah choose to be like? Maleny Noosa or Caboolture?
So tell me Beerwah, of all the Towns in Australia, who do you most want to be like and why? Beerwah has been in transition for a number of years, and it will be something different again in the years ahead, so please help me solve this puzzle. "Will Beerwah Become like Maleny, Noosa or Caboolture?" The truth is that Beerwah's future has been more or less mapped out for us by our Sunshine … [Read More...]

A 360 degree view from Mt Ngun Ngun
A Panorama From Mt Ngun Ngun by Bushrangerbikes … [Read More...]
Puzzles and Posts from the Forum
Comment: A collection of articles are from the community forum I once had on this website, the forum was depreciated because these days most communication are in the from of Comments, TXT's, Twitter etc. Difficulties commuting to the University of Queensland from Beerwah Hi, Throughout my short time travelling from Beerwah to the University of Queensland & Roma St, I have noticed … [Read More...]

This Holiday: Encourage your Kids to Learn and Play Music
Music is the 'lingo franco' of the world, and like prayer they are a part of our mental and physical anatomy which we can't easily explain or even understand how they work. Thankfully we can all just get on with these activities regardless of what other people think or feel about them. Here is a video, made known to me by Mark Tweddle, a music teacher from Glasshouse. It's a TED Talk (We love … [Read More...]

Artist: Local Artist Gundars Eglentals
The Artist Gundars Eglentals Gundars Eglentals is a local artist living in the Glasshouse Country Region. We are very interested in his paintings not only because he regularly produces some of the regions most stunning art work based on the splendid Glasshouse Mountains but also because he and his wife often take part in local and sporting events in the region. Gundars Eglentals is know to … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Kelly Wall from Jessbow Beauty Studio
Kelly Wall from Jessbow Beauty Studio was recently voted the No.1 Business in the Sunshine Coast Daily's Facebook Town Proud Competition for the Beerwah and Glasshouse region . In Kellys' own words she said "When I was mentioned by a few clients , I thought it was a bit of fun to be nominated. Through out the day the votes and beautiful messages were amazing! I truly love what I do and give it … [Read More...]