What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Free: Business Promotion
Would you like some free advertising for you business or Trade? Whether you're a long established company with a great reputation, or you just moved to the Sunshine Coast every company can use some free marketing ideas to promote their brand, products, or services, and these days it's more important to have good links and promotion on the internet than to spend a tree or two on paper … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Kaz Thomas from Soulqi Acupuncture and Massage
Kaz Thomas has devoted the past 5 years of training in a Bachelor of Health Science in Acupuncture(Chinese) whilst concurrently training under a Japanese Acupuncturist (3 year mentorship) & attending Matsumoto training ,which is a very different style of acupuncture, and she is also trained in Dorn therapy. Kaz is very passionate about healing and helping others attain good health. Kaz … [Read More...]

Morris House Neighbourhood Centre in Landsborough
Morris House Neighbourhood Centre was established in 1998 by Landsborough Area Community Association Inc. the centre was officially opened in 1999 by Mrs Doris Morris who, with her family, was involved in the community for many years. A grant from Caloundra City Council enabled the renovation of the building and a further grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund paid for equipment and … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Brian Harris from Landsborough Plumbing Supplies
Brian Harris manages Landsborough Plumbing Supplies which is a Pandoras Box of plumbing supplies and he offers locals and Business an abundance of plumbing and other supplies is right here in Landsborough. Brian operates on the premise that if he looks after his customers they will look after him. https://youtu.be/m5yagTfqjtk Brian Harris from Landsborough Plumbing … [Read More...]

Town and Country Health Supplies Online
Town and Country Health Supplies Online, We Sell Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM), Hyaluronic Acid and Colloidal Silver' Small-scale studies of possible treatments with MSM have been conducted on both animals and humans. These studies of MSM have suggested some benefits, particularly for treatment of osteoarthritis. MSM is sold as a dietary supplement and marketed with a variety of claims, often … [Read More...]

The Healthy Guru Beerwah
The Healthy Guru in Beerwah: Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice, at The Healthy Guru we understand that choice can lead to more vitality in your life. Our philosophy and services will assist you in your endeavour to nourish your mind body and soul on all levels. It's is our philosophy to offer you the best quality products and services for all your health and wellness needs. Recently … [Read More...]
Beerwah Fresh Fruits
Beerwah Fresh Fruits offers the Beerwah community fruit and vegetables sourced from local farmers. The new owner is a smart man and has a farm of his own. He promised me a video interview and I will publish that as soon as I get a chance. Beerwah Fresh Fruits Beerwah Fresh Fruits 3/44 Simpson st Beerwah, Queensland, 4519 (07) 5494 6867 … [Read More...]

Do you have stories about Beerwah?
Do you have stories about Beerwah, (we love stories) Please submit your stories here http://www.glasshousecountry.com/submit-news/ or email them to roland@glasshousecountry.com Please tell us your stories and I will make sure they get published here the community website and on Facebook and in our electronic newsletter and on Twitter. … [Read More...]

Meet Dave the Glasshouse Honeyman – Local Farm Stall
Glass House Mountains "Honeyman" Meet Dave Erbacher the Glass House Mountains "Honeyman". Dave breeds bees and sell honey at his roadside farm stall outside his home along the Sahara Road, in the Glass House Mountains. Like all local honey Dave's honey is seasonal which means may tastes lightly different or looks lighter in summer and darker in winter, because of what the bees feed on … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country Muso Club
Glasshouse Country Muso Club The Glasshouse Country Muso Club meet regularly and share and play music together in the Glasshouse Country region. Below is a small selection of the music played at the club, This is by no means a complete reflection of what gets played at the Muso Club, these are simply a selection of what we have available at http://www.youtube.com/GlasshouseCountry An … [Read More...]

Shout Out: In support of a Local Business or Person
This is your opportunity to 'Shout Out' in support of a Local Business, Person, Sports Club, Event or Cause. I will do my best to amplify your shouts on our local community website, using email, electronic newsletter, twitter and Facebook. You can write you own article and email me, your article will be published on this website, and will go out in Twitter, Facebook and in the … [Read More...]

A Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah on Saturday 8th November 2014
A Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah on Saturday 8th November 2014 A Portrait of Simpson Street on a early overcast Saturday morning in November 2014, - We've had a little time after the completion of the Street Upgrade and I felt it might be nice to capture this moment in time. I have called this page a Portrait of Simpson Street in Beerwah, 2014 - Photos taken early on Saturday morning … [Read More...]

The Glasshouse Country Notice Board in August 2012
This is pictorial representation of the community notice boards in the area. It works like this, once a week I take photographs of the notice boards in the vicinity and publish them here. Im afraid that I have no idea why this photographs are rotated sideways, I will try and have this fixed before the September noticeboard photos are uploaded. … [Read More...]

Make your own Cheese from Grocery Store Milk.
Green Living Australia show you how to make your own cheese in your own home from grocery store milk. Surprisingly you can use ordinary milk from the grocery store to make cheese, in this instance they choose to use Maleny Dairy Milk, although when that's not available they make use of any other brand of milk. Home grown food and home prepared food is a growing trend especially amongst those with … [Read More...]

Sandy Creek Organic Farm
Give your family fresh picked vegetables all year. A weekly box of fresh locally grown produce raised without chemicals by farmers just down the road. Easy drive-up and pick-up on the farm. Eat locally … [Read More...]

Puzzle 05: Which will Beerwah choose to be like? Maleny Noosa or Caboolture?
So tell me Beerwah, of all the Towns in Australia, who do you most want to be like and why? Beerwah has been in transition for a number of years, and it will be something different again in the years ahead, so please help me solve this puzzle. "Will Beerwah Become like Maleny, Noosa or Caboolture?" The truth is that Beerwah's future has been more or less mapped out for us by our Sunshine … [Read More...]