What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

4 Wheel Driving through the Beautiful Glass House Mountains
This video is a great example for the beautiful and spectacular terrain in this region of the sunshine coast. I'm not suggesting that you drive you 4x4 though the woods and forrest, but if you are interested in the region and what it has to offer then this video will give you a good idea of some the tracks and country side. The video is well presented and well filmed. Here is some of the … [Read More...]

The SuperDads delight the crowd at Beerwah FunFest 2012
The SuperDad's Woo'ed the crowd at Glasshouse Country Christian College's Funfest on Saturday the 4th of August 2012. Please show your appreciation by liking them on the Beerwah YouTube Channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/BeerwahTV Please show your appreciation by liking them on the Beerwah YouTube Channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/BeerwahTV … [Read More...]

The Healthy Guru Beerwah
The Healthy Guru in Beerwah: Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice, at The Healthy Guru we understand that choice can lead to more vitality in your life. Our philosophy and services will assist you in your endeavour to nourish your mind body and soul on all levels. It's is our philosophy to offer you the best quality products and services for all your health and wellness needs. Recently … [Read More...]

The Beast File: Woolies and Coles (HUNGRY BEAST)
This week, the Beast File looks at Australias Big Two supermarket chains. Woolworths & Coles are a $100 billion a year duopoly with a retail market share unmatched in the developed world. And they have their fingers in a lot of other pies too. Hungry Beast airs in Australia on the ABC, 9PM Wednesdays. More stories: … [Read More...]

Submit News
Tell us your News and we will share it on our website and other social outlets. It gets shared on this Website, http://www.glasshousecountry.com and on http://Facebook.com/Beerwah and in the Newsletter ! and on http://www.twitter.com/Beerwah We love Local Stories and Information we also love publishing Articles or Editorials and Event Information. We try publish on the same day you submit it to … [Read More...]

The first ‘VIANTA at Night’ Evening
The first 'VIANTA at Night' evening was a resounding success tonight. The artists performing tonight were Carly Buchanan and Aaron West, who played to the delight of the audience but in ways which did not interrupt the table talk and the dining and wining (fyi - this is BYO restaurant). There menu was both exotic and affordable. We will definitely be going back and for those interested in … [Read More...]

Two more paintings of Gundars Eglentals
We photographed these two paintings at Beerwah Flowers and Gifts http://www.beerwahflowersandgifts.com where they are on display. … [Read More...]

Morning “Photo Stroll” through Beerwah Industrial Estate June 2014
An Early Morning "Photo Stroll" through Beerwah Industrial Estate 28 June 2014, I thought after doing the Morning "Photo Stroll" through Beerwah. Kev from Tyzac Vacuum Excavation, Kev also helps out at SES Ross Allen Trucks and Trailers Two very friendly fella's at Beerwah Feed Barn, drinking their morning cuppa at the start of the day. I remember years … [Read More...]

Churches in Beerwah
The Glasshouse Region is alive with churches which strengthen our community Glasshouse Community Church A Wesleyan Methodist Church Kids Church & Sunday Worship starts 4:30 pm Glass House Mountains State School Main Hall, Coonowrin Road Glass House Mountains Pastor Brendan Edwards M: 0417 757 397 Glasshouse Country Baptist Church 58 Roberts Road Beerwah 4519 Web … [Read More...]
Noodle House
Noodle House in Beerwah offers a selection of tasty treats, I counted 57 for 58 delightful treats all professionally cooked in front of you and they offer very generous helpings. Noodle House in Beerwah Noodle House Shop 1/46 Simpson St Beerwah (07) 5439 0728 … [Read More...]

The Glasshouse Country Coffee Club
The Glasshouse Country Coffee Club is an opportunity for every stakeholder in the Glasshouse Country Community to gather together for any reason or no reason at all. We also like to think that we will become the clearest voice in the community about what needs to be done, where we should go, what we should do, and how to go about making our land a better place It’s not because the existing … [Read More...]

About Community Spirit
It's can be difficult to define exactly what Community is, like the human spirit it's not easily defined and may look different form your point of view. I like to think of it as "friendship without obligation". Some Quotes about Community Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Vicky Heading from Beerwah Hair and Beauty in Beerwah
Vicky Heading from Beerwah Hair and Beauty When asked what to you like about hairdressing she replied "I love my job" Vicky works with her daughter and two other girls in the Salon and as a photographer and interviewer I could not help noticing Vicky's radiant smile and happy approach to life at 8:30 on a Saturday Morning. Vicky Heading from Beerwah Hair and Beauty 2014 Vicky has owned … [Read More...]

Footpath from Beerwah to Glasshouse
We have some of the most splendid mountains on the Sunshine Coast, but if you think you can walk to them from Beerwah or Glasshouse, then think again. It's great news that Cr Rick Baberoski has committed to completing the footpath between Beerwah and Glasshouse if he gets re-elected, this really ought to have been planned and done a long time ago. - still better late than never. Here a quote … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Mountains 4WD along Power Line Track and Canyon
A Four Wheel Drive outing in the Glasshouse Mountains along the Power Line Track and Canyon … [Read More...]

Fringe Benefits at the Caloundra Fringe Festival starting Friday 21st September 2012
The Caloundra Fringe Festival is proving to be a great partner for its parent, the Caloundra Music Festival. It is now only two weeks until the start of the Fringe Festival, and three weeks until the Music Festival cranks up. At a media launch today, Mayor Mark Jamieson said both festivals would put the spotlight on Caloundra for more than a week in the peak holiday season. “The Fringe … [Read More...]