What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Maleny Dairies Give Local Dairy Farmers A Lifeline Against Supermarket Chains
Visit Maleny Dairy and experience life on a real farm.See the cows and the goats fed and milked and visit their own milk factory where the products are made and bottled.A great tour for all ages groups or individuals. www.malenydairies.com … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Country Christmas Lights 2014
Celebrating the lovely people who give us pleasure by decorating their homes and gardens with Christmas lights. Each year for as long as I have lived in Beerwah many of the homes in the Glasshouse Country get lit up with a stunning display of Christmas lights and outdoor decorations. This year I thought we might celebrate with them with them by recording their efforts right here on the … [Read More...]

Musos Club Thursday October 25 at Beerwah RSL
Hi Everyone, We have the Musos Club coming up next Thursday October 25 at Beerwah RSL, and it is a theme night - Songs that changed the world! Come along and sing us songs that reflect this theme for you. Was Redgum’s I was only 19, or Dylan’s The times they are a changing one of them, or perhaps Paul Kelly’s From little things big things grow or Helen Reddy’s I am woman*? Performers and … [Read More...]

Photos: FunFest 2012 at Glasshouse Country Christian College
Locals from Berwah and surrounding town enjoyed the perfect weather for the 2rd Glasshouse Country Christian College FunFest 2012. … [Read More...]

Black Swan School of Dance in Landsborough
Black Swan School of Dance is located in Landsborough and is owned and directed by Miss Rebecca, her guiding philosophy of “Finding the beauty within” encourages all students to achieve their full potential as individual dancers and obtain self-growth. Specialising in: CSTD Ballet, Jazz & Tap Hip Hop Contemporary Neo Classical Drama Pilates Mummy and Me/Adult … [Read More...]

Beerwah Village Opening Soon
Everyone in Beerwah knows that the Beerwah Village will be opening soon and to be honest it looks very impressive, so one can't help but look forward in expectation to how this new Shopping Village will improve our Community. Beerwah is, as planned by Council, becoming the business hub and activity centre of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland as set down in State Government Planning. Together with … [Read More...]

A Peachester Tradition: Peachester History Committee Christmas Barbecue
A Peachester tradition: Christmas barbecue at the hall. Come along and help celebrate the festive season with us. Peachester Community Christmas Barbecue Peachester Hall Sunday 21st Dec 2014 - from 6:30pm Tickets Adult $12, Children $6 An annual get-together to share the Christmas spirit … [Read More...]

Beerwah.com is a daily news site that follows everything Beerwah
Beerwah.com is a daily news site that follows everything Beerwah. Our goal is to provide timely news, insightful opinion and affordable advertising. Find out more about Beerwah.com Published in sunny Beerwah, Australia. All times are in EST (GMT+10). … [Read More...]

Glasshouse Tractors
Glasshouse Tractors is a family owned business and has been established in the Glasshouse area since 2004. Specialising in the sales and service of new and used machinery, we are bound to have something for your farming or small block requirements. … [Read More...]

Where is the Glasshouse Country?
The Glasshouse Country is a term used to describe the towns and landscape situated in and around the Glasshouse Mountains of Queensland Australia. The Glasshouse Country towns include not only the railway towns of Beerburrum, Beerwah, Glasshouse Mountains, Landsborough and Mooloolah, which developed only the Cobb & Co in the late 1800's, but also includes the Towns of Peachester and Maleny … [Read More...]

Teghans Dance Club
Teghans Dance Club Teghan's Dance Club started in 2011 with humble intentions, opening their doors to focus on boys only dance classes to give boys a safe and fun environment to learn dance without the hassle of dancing with the girls! Starting with a mix of only 15 students in 2011 Teghans Dance Club (TDC) now have over 100 students and includes both girls and boys from ages 4 to … [Read More...]

Morris House Neighbourhood Centre in Landsborough
Morris House Neighbourhood Centre was established in 1998 by Landsborough Area Community Association Inc. the centre was officially opened in 1999 by Mrs Doris Morris who, with her family, was involved in the community for many years. A grant from Caloundra City Council enabled the renovation of the building and a further grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund paid for equipment and … [Read More...]

Band: The Back Alley Catz
The Back Alley Catz The Back Alley Cats band consists of 4 Talented Local Musicians with a passion for performing and entertaining audiences. With Lead Vocalist, Lead Guitarist, Drummer & Double Bass we can play the covers of the original and most popular era of music - rock n roll. Covering all the well known favourites including Johnny Cash, Elvis, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Gene Vincent, … [Read More...]

Pressure Drop Records in Maleny
Pressure Drop Records in Maleny A record store located on the main street of Maleny. Selling new and second-hand vinyls, turntables, turntable parts, audio cables, polaroid cameras and local art. Jazz, reggae, dub, funk, soul, blues, rock, folk, african, 80s, hip hop, electronic & more Now with art, vintage clothes and a two player arcade cabinet. Pressure Drop Records in Maleny have a … [Read More...]

Puzzle: Endless Electricity Costs and Expenses
Am I alone, in feeling the pain of rising electricity costs? It's a government endorsed ripoff and Mr Crankypants has had enough. I'm currently with Origin Energy and I attach my bills for the past 3 years so that it's no longer subjective opinion, and we can look at the hard cold facts. The truth is that Electricity Prices are escalating unfairly and the electricity retailers are making unfair … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Kelly Wall from Jessbow Beauty Studio
Kelly Wall from Jessbow Beauty Studio was recently voted the No.1 Business in the Sunshine Coast Daily's Facebook Town Proud Competition for the Beerwah and Glasshouse region . In Kellys' own words she said "When I was mentioned by a few clients , I thought it was a bit of fun to be nominated. Through out the day the votes and beautiful messages were amazing! I truly love what I do and give it … [Read More...]