What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Jody and Ken Bannister from Kwerky Cafe in Beerwah
The Glasshouse Country is a better place because of people like Jody and Ken Bannister who yesterday opened the doors to their newly established Kwerky Cafe in Simpson Street in Beerwah yesterday the 15th October 2014. Kwerky Cafe offer a unique blend of carefully selected coffee blends and cake as well as a wider range of gelato, they also have alfresco tables and chairs conveniently located … [Read More...]

Meet the Farmer: Les and Marji from Sandy Creek Organic Farm
Les and Marji own and manage Sandy Creek Organic Farm which is one of the Sunshine Coasts most popular and successful organic farms. Les and Marji first got inspired by the idea of community supported agriculture on their small farm on the side of Mt Beerwah. Community Supported Agriculture would involve growing a wider range of products than those which could be grown on their existing farm … [Read More...]

Beerwah’s Local Vintage Caravan Enthusiast
Local Vintage Caravan Enthusiast and Local Businessman Mr Banister, who owns the Beerwah Subway store talk about his current interest in Vintage Caravans … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Jenny and Shannon from Hinterland Body and Soul Beerwah
Jenny and Shannon from Hinterland Body and Soul Beerwah have been in Beerwah for the past five years and have gathered a following of regular customers who visit their Boutique, knowing that Jenny will interpret their needs correctly: Jenny was involved in hospitality, and has always been great with her hands, "she's extremely good at it", and enjoys what she does. Shannon and Jenny from … [Read More...]

Naturopath: Judy Timm
Have you been wanting to see a Naturopath this year? This is your chance to receive a $25 discount off your initial consultation during February and March 2015, Judy Timm is a qualified Naturopath and has been living and practicing in the Glass House Mountains area for over 20 years. Judy has a passion for natural therapies and has continued her expertise in the areas of Cranio Sacral … [Read More...]

Beerwah Street Party
The Beerwah Street Party is set to become an annual event in Beerwah, here are some Photos of the “Beerwah Street Party Photos 2014” which was an acclaimed success, with many locals and shopkeepers suggesting that it be made into a regular event. Please comment below to let us know if you enjoyed the community get together and if you would like Beerwah Street Party to take place more … [Read More...]

Photo Strolls around Beerwah
A collection of Photo Strolls around Beerwah using Listly, Please click on the Post Titles to see the original Article and to see the all the images, some of these post have 100's of images, and you can vote the collections up and down if you like. - Enjoy. [listly id="mlu" layout="list" show_header="true" show_author="true" show_sharing="true" show_tools="true" per_page="25"] … [Read More...]

Photos: Shine Arts Evenings at the Christian College (a few photos)
The Shine Arts Evening at the Christian College have been a blast of talent. These are only a few of the excerpts I managed to take. There are three live stages and the library and the Arts Rooms were jam packed with exhibits so there was simply too much to capture all at once. Below are a few photos I manage to take. - Enjoy. There were many more displays, however these … [Read More...]

Beerwah Lions Club
Lions Clubs are part of community life, in the cities and in the country. Clubs are easily identified by their distinctive Logo, the trademark of our International Association, and the 'We Serve'; motto. Lions Australia is part of an international association, filled with people who are joined by the common desire to make their communities better, by using their creativity, enthusiasm and … [Read More...]

Question: Why did you move to Beerwah?
What a brought you to Beerwah? I'm interested in knowing why people choose to live in Beerwah. We all have reasons for moving into a region: and perhaps we stay in the region for reasons different from those that brought us here. - Who knows? Please kindly consider sharing what brings you to Beerwah? … [Read More...]

Climbing Mt. Ngungun
A video of Climbing Mt Ngungun, - Most people prefer to walk up the footpath. These guys choose to go up the side. … [Read More...]

Meet a Local: Brendan Roser from the Beerwah Swimming Pool
It's because of Brendan Roser that the Beerwah Swimming Pool remains one of Beerwah's best managed Public Services and has such a friendly and efficient feel to it. Brendan is always helping patrons and is well liked by everyone in the Glasshouse Country Community and if you have ever spent a little time at the pool you will know that Brendan is not only popular but in demand from from the … [Read More...]

Meet the Local: Damian Collins living an Adventure Unearthed
Occasionally opportunity comes along which when it does you know that you simply can't afford to let it pass without giving it a fair go. Damian Collins is one of those people to whom fantastic opportunities come more often than others. Having recently returned from Kona, Hawaii from the Ironman World Championships where he placed 4th in the world in the under 24 category. I am hoping our local … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Leanda and Craig from The Healthy Guru
Leanda and Craig have owned their health shop The Healthy Guru for one year and one day since they were first drawn to the area and the idea of opening a highly visible shop which catered to Communities needs and offered a “one stop wellness centre.” They were initially attracted to the Beerwah area through their love of the mountains and rapidly emerging community development … [Read More...]

A Tribute to Victor Donald Smith: A Pioneer of Beerwah – RIP
On this day 33 years ago a Pioneer of Beerwah passed away. His name was Victor Donald Smith. His was a vital part of Beerwah's history and contributed to Beerwah's growth and prosperity. Missed by the grandchildren of this man, Kathleen Evan (Smith) & Diane Paes (Smith). Never forgotten, Always Loved. R.I.P. Pop Smith 02-01-1901 - 21-07-1982 The attached newspaper clipping reads as … [Read More...]

Super Moon in Beerwah on Sunday 10th August 2014
These photos of Sunday's Super Moon in Beerwah were taken by Josh Whysall from WoodGrove Estate this weekend using an iPhone and his father telescope. Super Moon Photos take on Sunday 10th August, from Woodgrove Estate, Beerwah, Queensland, Australia Super Moon Photos take on Sunday 10th August, from Woodgrove Estate, Beerwah, Queensland, Australia Super Moon … [Read More...]