What do you like about Beerwah, or its adjoining centres for that matter, but this article is about Beerwah, and particularly what it was like in 1937 when I first knew it. The writer has been asked by Roland and Lydia Munyard to contribute this article for his website named Beerwah. Although I do not now know many of you personally, you will know me because the new bridge over Coochin Creek … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Leanda and Craig from The Healthy Guru
Leanda and Craig have owned their health shop The Healthy Guru for one year and one day since they were first drawn to the area and the idea of opening a highly visible shop which catered to Communities needs and offered a “one stop wellness centre.” They were initially attracted to the Beerwah area through their love of the mountains and rapidly emerging community development … [Read More...]

Minimalism: Much more to life than just buying stuff
I'm a huge fan of Joshua Becker who inspires people to find happiness living with less. He explains how People won't find happiness with things, and how by pursuing a more simplistic life we are able to achieve more and be better people. I am an avid reader of his website and emails and I am sure you will find his website an amazing and helpful source of encouragement . … [Read More...]

Bucks Bakery Landsborough
Bucks Bakery Landsborough Bucks Bakery in Landsborough has got to be one of the best places on the Hinterland to buy a pie. Bucks Bakery is conveniently located opposite the Landsborough Train Station and often packed out. A popular venue for cyclists to relax and refresh on the weekends on their way up to Maleny. 26 Cribb St Landsborough, Queensland 4550 Phone 5494 1944 Tell us below what … [Read More...]
The Hungry Beast looks at Woolworths and Coles
The Hungry Beast looks at Woolworths and Coles: This week, the Beast File looks at Australias Big Two supermarket chains. Woolworths & Coles are a $100 billion a year duopoly with a retail market share unmatched in the developed world. And they have their fingers in a lot of other pies too. … [Read More...]

What you get for FREE
Our “Town Square” is your “Town Square”. If you send us your news we will publish it. If you write an editorial we will print it. If you send us your business card we will promote it. If you comment on the website, people will read it. In the business world there are many organizations, and affiliations that aid networking with other business people and from these relationships - … [Read More...]

Meet the Shopkeeper: Paul Kellie from Beerwah Print and Stationery
Meet Paul Kellie from Beerwah Print and Stationery who has been in business in Beerwah for over 33 years and he's still smiling in the heart of our town on a prime piece of real estate opposite the Beerwah Post Office. Paul has always enjoyed putting ink onto paper and changing it's identity. He started career his as a Lithographic Printer, many years before computers were even invented. Paul … [Read More...]

Steve, one of Beerwah’s favourite Sportsmen is opening a new Sports Store tomorrow
Steve one of Beerwah's sportsmen is opening a new Sports Store in town Steve one of Beerwah's favourite Sportsmen is opening a new sports store in town tomorrow. 3rd September 2014, Here is he relaxing with his kids enjoying a lunchtime bite. I will try and get some photos of his new shop tomorrow morning. :) I dropped by today but thought it unfair to collect photos while they are … [Read More...]

Pretty Thrifty: Frugal Grocery Shopping
For me, Frugal Grocery Shopping essential because I have a large family and groceries are one our biggest expenses. (in Australia Food is Stupidly Expensive). I have searched the net looking for money saving tips and advice, so first off let me say that these are not all my tips, they were written by Leo Babauta, who writes at ZenHabits.net We are all different, so … [Read More...]

Meet a Local: Teghan Priori from Teghans Dance Club
Meet Teghan from Peachester who is doing some great things in the Performing Arts in Peachester and in the Glass House Mountains, Teghan runs a local and popular Dance Club and her original goal was to give boys interested in dance and hip hop a fun environment to learn dance without the hassle of dancing with the girls! Teghans Dance Club has grown popular, and she has expanded by continuing to … [Read More...]

Eating Competition: Smokey’s Char Grill Burger Bar this Saturday.
Smokey's Char Grill has something interesting for you? They're having eating competition this Saturday and the winner takes away $100 cash prize. $10 a Ticket.....gets you $15 worth of food, finish it first to WIN $100 IN CASH! (burger with the lot, chips and drink) We would like to invite the fast eaters to a challenge and enter our first eating competition! ANYONE CAN ENTER... Held … [Read More...]

Photos of Turner Street Beerwah August 2014 (for the nice lady who asked for them)
A collection of Turner Street Photos by request of the nice lady who asked for them. If you or anyone else would like any other part of the Glasshouse Country Photographed please just ask. You can Click on any Photo for a Enlarged View :) - Enjoy. Vacant Land across from the Beerwah Library Vacant Land across from the Library, Beerwah The Beerwah Barber on the Corner and … [Read More...]

Landsborough Driver Training
Mark Tweddle (owner of Glasshouse Mountains based Mark Tweddle Music Studio) is now also the new owner of Landsborough Driver Training. The business has been relocated to Glasshouse and covers all areas from Beerburrum to Mooloolah Valley including Glasshouse, Beerwah, Landsborough and Peachester. Offering a choice of manual or automatic cars, Mark's key objective is to teach our young … [Read More...]

Photos: Christmas Lights Maroochydore at Lifepointe Baptist Church 2014
The Christmas Lights Maroochydore is amazing, I wish I had posted this earlier, but there is still time for the last show tonight. Overall its a fun night out, and its is the Sunshine Coast's largest free Christmas event, plus it's the 10th anniversary so they're sure to make it extra special a well worth seeing. Tonight is the last night and its been on since about the 13th December … [Read More...]

Beerwah State School Big Night Out on Friday 19th October 2012
A successful "Big Night Out" was put on by Beerwah State School and the Parents and Friends on Friday night. There was a wide range of activities for both the children and parents to enjoy and kids enjoyed the rides set up on the oval and in the hollow. As usual it was "Free Entry and Pay for Rides" You could pay $5 a ride or purchase a $30 wrist band which bought unlimited rides. There … [Read More...]

In Support of Maleny Dairies
I think for me, the most important and encouraging thing I get from this incredible message from Maleny Dairies is that change for the better is indeed possible. It is unlikely to come from any Government or corporation, rather it will come from ordinary people who see a need for something to be done and going out and getting it done. I've heard it said that when we take our business away from a … [Read More...]

Where to get your TAX RETURN done?
It's a simple question? Where should I get my tax return done? We would love to know! Who is the cheapest?, Who is the best? and Whom should we avoid? In short, where should I go to get my TAX RETURN completed? … [Read More...]