This morning, 25th July, 2014, I did something of a “Photo Stroll” around Beerwah, and I thought I might share some of the highlights, including the New Housing Estate at the corner of Peachester and Roberts Road, a Peek into the Vacant Land (about 5 acres outside the Beerwah Recycle Centre, a Peek into the old “Eden Retirement Centre” now know as Embracia.
You can Click on any photo for a larger view: A look down the street between the Post office and the Beerwah Barber Shop. The Beerwah Pet Shop is Closing down, There is new Hairdresser starting up next to the Hinterland Fish Shop, Video Ezy is Closed down, Why is there always a Nambour Christian College bus parked somewhere in Beerwah’s main 4 streets?
The New Street Scape looks good, Oscar from Pasta Devine is putting out the table and chairs, The Roundabout at Nev Anning Bridge is still awkward for pedestrians, one Beerwahs favorite electricians parked outside the Beerwah Swimming Pool, Glasshouse Country Christian College Parking looks better than Beerwah’s Street Scape. Glasshouse Country Baptist Church looking good. The roundabout at the start of Wood Grove Estate and Nicklin Road.
Please add your comments to the bottom of this page – Thanks
Morning Walkers start out from Beerwah Library. – (Heart Foundation Walks)
Nev Anning Bridge / Roundabout still awkward for pedestrians (the divided Town)
Beerwah Pet Store … everything must go.
Church on the Rise
Why is there alway an Nambour Christian College bus parked somewhere on Beerwah’s 4 busiest streets?
Animal House and SeaFood (is this Fish and Chip Shop really just called Seafoods?)
The last of the Animal House, which is closing down.
Awesome Setting now available on Simpson Street, outside Pasta Devine
Oscar from Pasta Devine
Over Pass, Under Pass, Subway, Tunnel what is this thing called. I just call it the “spooky tunnel”.
Video Ezy has closed down, you can get videos for $2 outside the Eagle Boys for $2 just don’t bring them back late cause it keep billing you until you do.
Glasshouse Country Baptist Church
A look into Embracia
The entrance to the new housing Estate at the intersection of Roberts Road and Peachester Road.
Vacant Land opposite the Beerwah Recycle Centre
Turner Park Shopping Complex – can anyone tell me why this has never really been very popular?
Church on the Rise and Hinterland Counselling Centre and Administration Office
Building the New Shopping Complex, Target, IGA and about 42 other Shops.
Beerwah Flowers and Gifts, near the Temporary Pedestrian Crossing, alongside Endeavour Thrift Shop
Simpson Street and Peachester Road Intersection and Traffic Lights overlooking Shell Servo
Alex Park and the Beerwah Station Car Park on the Simpson Street side of the Car Park
A view towards the Beerwah Post office
First National Beerwah
Beerwah Patchwork Shop and a Closed Video Easy
Vacant Land next to ALDI overlooking Coochin Hills in the background
Nev Anning Roundabout, not very Pedestrian Friendly – this foot path goes to nowhere and you need to trek all the way back and then cross and unsafe zone. How can this be good or safe for our kids?
Beerwah State High School Car Park
Beerwah Favorite Electrician – Greg Small Electrical – Parked outside the Beerwah Swimming Pool
Beerwah Primary School – looking down toward the intersection of the Old Gympie Road and Peachester Road. – So glad that they have extended the 40km/ h zone a little further along, but is this enough. We have many new estates opening here and a large number of kids and parent walking to school.
The Exit from Glasshouse Country Christian College
The Glasshouse country Christian College Car Park
The roundabout at the entrance to WoodGrove Car Park
Comments Always Appreciated.
Some very different angles here.
Thanks they are Google Photo Sphere, flattened out a little which make the interesting angles. 🙂 Thanks Una M Robinson I’m planning to do a lot more photos and would love people to share their own.
Good pics. Keep up the good work.
Thanks nice of you to say so 🙂
I enjoyed seeing these good pics and would love to see more maybe from other people also!
What were your thoughts behind the shots … were you just out to take shots of Beerwah or did you have something specific in mind … just wondering:)
Hi Annette Pendlebury I did not have an agenda, just took ‘Buster’ our dog out for a walk and thought Mnnn,,. Beerwah Town is morphing into something else and wanted to capture a moment or a point in time.
I hinted to Una M Robinson would like to do more photo stories and include contributed photos from others in the community – perhaps a few lazy strolls through Landsborough and Glasshouse and Mooloolah.
if you know of anyone who might be interested please let them know.
Thanks! I enjoyed that morning stroll. 🙂