Brian Harris manages Landsborough Plumbing Supplies which is a Pandoras Box of plumbing supplies and he offers locals and Business an abundance of plumbing and other supplies is right here in Landsborough. Brian operates on the premise that if he looks after his customers they will look after him.
Brian Harris from Landsborough Plumbing Supplies
Good Day Brian Harris from Landsborough Plumbing Supplies, we are at 37 Dyer Street Landsborough, we have been here for four and a half years and we supply plumbing materials, water tanks, pumps and whatever else you can imagine a plumbing supplier would sell.
We have got two excavators a Bob Cat and a Tip Truck that we have on hire and which we use ourselves for general contracting. We are a contracted plumbing business as well for builders and the ordinary householder, we do roofing as well as plumbing and we have our office for Chad Harris Plumbing in here as well.
We are happy to give free quotes and we give discount to pensioners, so whoever contacts us do very well out of it anyway, (as far as I’m concerned) as long as we look after them they will look after us. Our number is 5439 9322 and you will get me in the office, I am here every day Monday to Saturday 8 – 11 on Saturday and 7 – 3:30 during the week
Has anyone looked at our Beerwah / Glasshouse Country YouTube Channel : If you take a moment to you will see this Interview:
BTW: Landsborough Plumbing Supplies is really a pandoras box of supplies, and what I like especially is that Brian has a natural tendency to help people and go out of is way to do so.
… and of course I am alway looking for people brave enough to face the camera for a few minutes. – so contact me if what to have Meet the Shopkeeper – featured to 3000 readers and on YouTube