Celebrating the lovely people who give us pleasure by decorating their homes and gardens with Christmas lights. Each year for as long as I have lived in Beerwah many of the homes in the Glasshouse Country get lit up with a stunning display of Christmas lights and outdoor decorations. This year I thought we might celebrate with them with them by recording their efforts right here on the http://www.glasshousecountry.com website.
Please send in you favourite Christmas Light Photos: To submit a photo simply email me roland@glasshousecountry.com or upload the photos to our Facebook Page http://facebook.com/Beerwah
Below are a collection of photographs recording the stunning christmas light scattered around the Glasshouse Country Towns.
Everyone should check out this house on Pacific Place, Beerwah Heights Estate, Beerwah. … Santa comes out at 7.30 every night with Mrs Clause and his two elves. They have done a great job!! – submitted by Danielle Gibbons. (most of the homes along this street have been decorated).
Please send in you favourite Christmas Light Photos: To submit a photo simply email me roland@glasshousecountry.com or upload the photos to our Facebook Page http://facebook.com/Beerwah
Went there last night. Was amazing!
went around Beerwah area tonight looking at lots of xmas lights a lovely evening