Would you like some free advertising for you business or Trade?
Whether you’re a long established company with a great reputation, or you just moved to the Sunshine Coast every company can use some free marketing ideas to promote their brand, products, or services, and these days it’s more important to have good links and promotion on the internet than to spend a tree or two on paper print.
Advertise on Glasshouse Country Website for Free.
Its easy to get your Business, Club, Event on http://www.glasshousecountry.com and on the Beerwah Facebook Page (nearly two thousand people like our Facebook Page) – All of this for FREE
Write an E-Mail and send it to roland@glasshousecountry.com with as much detail and photographs and logos and images as you wish to appear in your page on http://www.glasshousecountry.com
Suggestions about your Business Description
I have put together a few ideas about Promoting you Business for FREE .
Prepare what you want to say in an detailed email and then send it to me. You can also message me on the Beerwah Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/Beerwah
Write it exactly like you would like it to appear on the website, with Heading, Title, Description etc.
You will want to to include information like the Name of Business, a Description and Details about what you want to promote,
Label your Photographs: Please include Photographs and Logos, ( you should give your Photos and Logos, names which are about your business, or club or event, so if you business is ABC Plumbing you will want to rename you photos os that they are about your business for example ABC Plumbing 01, ABC Plumbing 02 etc (labeling your photo helps search engines)
Include as much information as you can think of like Address, Opening Hours, Phone Number, Website
Its as easy as that … see you online. 
- List Your Business FREE
- Write your own Article
- Free: Business Promotion
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- Write an Article
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A small advert on this website will cost you about $10 a month. (it’s a small price for a big return).
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