The Beerwah Street Party is set to become an annual event in Beerwah, here are some Photos of the “Beerwah Street Party Photos 2014” which was an acclaimed success, with many locals and shopkeepers suggesting that it be made into a regular event.
Please comment below to let us know if you enjoyed the community get together and if you would like Beerwah Street Party to take place more regularly?
History: It was first set up in 2014 by the Sunshine Coast Council to celebrate the recent streetscape upgrade, and was much more of a success that expected with and estimated 3000 – 5000 visitors on the night. This was a natural was a feast for all the shops along Simpson Street and an independent committee was formed organise this years Street Party (2015).
A very large collection of All 200 Photos of the Beerwah Street Party 2014 which will give you a idea of what to expect for the 2015 Beerwah Street Party.
The Official Celebrate Beerwah Street Party Poster, below
The Beerwah Street Party was very good, and I would like to see us do this in all of the towns we have around here, all 6 of them!!! The more we do for our Community, our Businesses, and our Towns, the better!!!
Hi Trevor,
We agree!
We have created an incorporated group now which can organise these events.
We hope to secure funding to have a full time Project Officer in our region to organise regular events for community and visitors. The Glasshouse Country Chamber of Commerce is helping us set this up.
In the meantime, we are working on plans for Long Table dinners in each of our Glasshouse Country towns, a car, motorbike and custom caravan show, and a camping show.
We have the incorporated body set up now, so we hope to support small local groups wishing to conduct events.
If local teenagers want to plan an event for their age group, we hope to support them and make the events happen.
Of course, all this currently relies on volunteers. If we can secure funding for a project officer, I think that position can support local groups wishing to run events.
Our email address is . Contact us with all your great ideas and wishes for your community. We will use this to help us build an effective events group.
The Street Party was wonderful .but for one embarrassing situation which occurred , when Andrew Powell Member for Glasshouse , was invited to open the street Party in Beerwah The Caloundra Electorate which is Mark McArdle’s area , & Mark McArdle was not even invited, some of the organisers would have known this was not the right thing to do to Embarrass Andrew when he would have thought Mark would have been there . & ignore Mark ,Hopefully this wont happen again this time
Hi Valerie,
Council organised last year’s event. They were advised about protocols of inviting local members of parliament. They followed the guidelines set.
Luckily, this year we are running this event as a community run party. We invited everyone, and are pleased to advise we are welcoming the following politicians to our party : Mal Brough, Mark McArdle, Andrew Powell and Rick Baberowski. Mayor Jamieson hoped to join us, but was roped into a meeting in Brisbane while our party is on.
We rely on our local politicians for support, guidance and promotion of our events. We are grateful for their support.
Judy Tomlinson, President, Celebrate Beerwah Inc.