What should we write about next?
You might have noticed that “People” are important to me, thats why I focus on introducing you to people in our community. – in Africa they have a name for it – they call it “Ubuntu” which in the Xhosa culture means: “I am because we are”.
People of (Beerwah, Landsborough, Mooloolah …. )
I hope to have a little more time over the next few weeks, not much, but enough to be able ask you what you would like me to write about next. I think its important that we share ideas and consider each others interests.
Do you have any suggestions?
Would you like more stories about people? I have been focusing on people in our community but I don’t know everyone and I need your suggestions in order to focus on the right people.
Is there someone (or a business) I should be focusing on?
Music Music Music
Anyone who has visited the website more that once will know that we think music is important for any community, it’s the one language we all speak and enjoy listening to, and it also brings together the young and old in our community.
Business is important
Business is important and necessary to any thriving community and in Beerwah and the surrounding areas is thriving, (or at least growing) so please share this post with both individuals and business’s alike in the surrounding towns of the glasshouse country. – because together we can.
Throwing money and services at a community never works, we each have to roll up our sleeves and get involved to benefit from all the value that being part of investing yourself in a community can do for you.
Sharing and Caring and Contributing
You will find plenty of freedom on this website to write about and promote what interests you most in our community.
There’s no doubt that doing good will do you good – both personally and professionally. So what are you waiting for? Have a look around this website and see if there is something you can do or write about to help our community.
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- Write an Article
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A small advert on this website will cost you about $10 a month. (it’s a small price for big return).
More of the same. Very interesting.
Thanks Shannon, (and any other business owners Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network, Maleny Business Networks ) about the next Glasshouse Country Newsletter and offering Vouchers to readers, – We have about 1500 regular Newsletter Readers and it would be great marketing for business. 🙂
Folks can subscribe here. http://www.glasshousecountry.com
The new Simpson Street development is interesting, hopefully will be functional once complete but… not so the rust from the ‘sculptures’ staining the new pavements!~!!!
Hello Una M Robinson, good point, although I was thinking more along the lines of the http://www.glasshousecountry.com website and what do people want me to focus on next?, History? People? Business? – “Letters to the Editor”
Letters to the Editor or the Politician – 🙂 actually that would be good one. – I bet there are a lot of letters sent to editors which are not published, 🙂
There are 3 big schools in Beerwah, perhaps we should celebrate the success and achievements of our School Children?